Schnack, Klaus; Piepenburg, Dieter (2005): Abundance of Polychaeta species in surface sediments of the east Greenland continental slope (75° N section) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Schnack, Klaus (1998): Besiedlungsmuster der benthischen Makrofauna auf dem ostgrönlandischen Kontinentalabhang (Macrofaunal community patterns at the continental margin off East Greenland). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 294, 124 pp,
Median Latitude: 74.963571 * Median Longitude: -12.444048 * South-bound Latitude: 74.868333 * West-bound Longitude: -13.806667 * North-bound Latitude: 75.048333 * East-bound Longitude: -11.111667
Date/Time Start: 1994-07-13T08:11:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-07-28T23:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.035 m
PS31/006-1 * Latitude Start: 74.915000 * Longitude Start: -11.155000 * Latitude End: 74.901667 * Longitude End: -11.203333 * Date/Time Start: 1994-07-13T11:11:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-07-13T12:58:00 * Elevation Start: -2701.0 m * Elevation End: -2778.0 m * Campaign: ARK-X/1 (PS31) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Bottom water sampler (BWS)
PS31/006-2 * Latitude Start: 74.931667 * Longitude Start: -11.120000 * Latitude End: 74.968333 * Longitude End: -11.111667 * Date/Time Start: 1994-07-14T21:40:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-07-14T03:09:00 * Elevation Start: -2796.0 m * Elevation End: -2695.0 m * Campaign: ARK-X/1 (PS31) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Epibenthic sledge (EBS)
PS31/006-3 * Latitude Start: 74.925000 * Longitude Start: -11.126667 * Latitude End: 74.911667 * Longitude End: -11.160000 * Date/Time Start: 1994-07-13T08:11:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-07-13T10:45:00 * Elevation Start: -2794.0 m * Elevation End: -2794.0 m * Campaign: ARK-X/1 (PS31) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Photo sledge (FTS)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | ||||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | ||||
4 | Date/Time of event | Date/Time | ||||
5 | Elevation of event | Elevation | m | |||
6 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
7 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Piepenburg, Dieter | ||
8 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Piepenburg, Dieter | ||
9 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Piepenburg, Dieter | |||
10 | Amphinomidae indeterminata | Amphinomidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Surface eater |
11 | Polynoidae indeterminata | Polynoidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
12 | Pholoe minuta | P. minuta | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
13 | Phyllodocidae indeterminata | Phyllodocidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
14 | Hesionidae indeterminata | Hesionidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Carnivor |
15 | Hesionidae indeterminata | Hesionidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. B, Carnivor |
16 | Typosyllis cornuta | T. cornuta | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
17 | Syllinae indeterminata | Syllinae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Carnivor |
18 | Syllinae indeterminata | Syllinae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. B, Carnivor |
19 | Nephtyidae indeterminata | Nephtyidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Carnivor |
20 | Aglaophamus malmgreni | A. malmgreni | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
21 | Sphaerodoropsis philippi | S. philippi | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
22 | Nothria conchylega | N. conchylega | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
23 | Lumbrineris tetraura | L. tetraura | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
24 | Abyssoninoe scopa | A. scopa | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Carnivor |
25 | Prionospio cirrifera | P. cirrifera | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
26 | Spiophanes kroyeri | S. kroyeri | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
27 | Spiochaetopterus typicus | S. typicus | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
28 | Aricidea quadrilobata | A. quadrilobata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
29 | Chaetozone setosa | C. setosa | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
30 | Macrochaeta polyonyx | M. polyonyx | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
31 | Pherusa flabellata | P. flabellata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
32 | Ophelina sp. | Ophelina sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Sub-surface eater |
33 | Ophelina sp. | Ophelina sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. B, Sub-surface eater |
34 | Ophelina abranchiata | O. abranchiata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
35 | Ophelina cylindricaudata | O. cylindricaudata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
36 | Scalibregma inflatum | S. inflatum | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
37 | Notomastus latericeus | N. latericeus | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
38 | Notoproctus oculatus | N. oculatus | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
39 | Euclymeninae indeterminata | Euclymeninae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Sub-surface eater |
40 | Praxillura longissima | P. longissima | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
41 | Nicomache personata | N. personata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
42 | Myriochele heeri | M. heeri | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
43 | Myriochele fragilis | M. fragilis | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
44 | Galathowenia oculata | G. oculata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Sub-surface eater |
45 | Terebellomorpha indeterminata | Terebellomorpha indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
46 | Ampharetidae indeterminata | Ampharetidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
47 | Ampharete spp. | Ampharete spp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
48 | Ampharete lindstroemi | A. lindstroemi | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
49 | Anobothrus gracilis | A. gracilis | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
50 | Mugga wahrbergi | M. wahrbergi | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
51 | Eclysippe vanelli | E. vanelli | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
52 | Samythella neglecta | S. neglecta | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
53 | Glyphanostomum pallescens | G. pallescens | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
54 | Amage gallasii | A. gallasii | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
55 | Amage auricula | A. auricula | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
56 | Melinnopsis arctica | M. arctica | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
57 | Terebellidae indeterminata | Terebellidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
58 | Amphitritinae indeterminata | Amphitritinae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
59 | Amphitritinae indeterminata | Amphitritinae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Surface eater |
60 | Polycirrinae indeterminata | Polycirrinae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
61 | Trichobranchidae indeterminata | Trichobranchidae indet | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
62 | Terebellides stroemi | T. stroemi | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Surface eater |
63 | Chone spp. | Chone spp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Suspension eater |
64 | Chone paucibranchiata | C. paucibranchiata | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Suspension eater |
65 | Chone sp. | Chone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Suspension eater |
66 | Chone sp. | Chone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. B, Suspension eater |
67 | Chone sp. | Chone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. C, Suspension eater |
68 | Chone sp. | Chone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. D, Suspension eater |
69 | Chone sp. | Chone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. E, Suspension eater |
70 | Euchone sp. | Euchone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. A, Suspension eater |
71 | Euchone sp. | Euchone sp. | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Var. B, Suspension eater |
72 | Euchone elegans | E. elegans | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Suspension eater |
73 | Jasmineira schaudinni | J. schaudinni | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Suspension eater |
74 | Potamilla neglecta | P. neglecta | #/m2 | Piepenburg, Dieter | Counting 300-500 µm fraction | Suspension eater |
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2584 data points
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