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Carter, Robert M; McCave, I Nick; Richter, Carl; Shipboard Scientific Party (2005): Range table from radiolarians in ODP Hole 181-1120B [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Carter, Robert M; McCave, I Nick; Richter, C; Carter, L; et al. (2000): Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 181 Initial Reports. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, 181, online,
ODP/TAMU (2005): JANUS Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA; (data copied from Janus 2005-02 to 2005-06),
Latitude: -50.063380 * Longitude: 173.371660
Date/Time Start: 1998-08-28T06:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-08-28T20:20:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.31 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 184.45 m
181-1120B * Latitude: -50.063380 * Longitude: 173.371660 * Date/Time Start: 1998-08-28T06:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-08-28T20:20:00 * Elevation: -544.2 m * Penetration: 188 m * Recovery: 146.51 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg181 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 21 core; 188 m cored; 0 m drilled; 77.9 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, compositeDepth compmcd
3Sample code/labelSample labelDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
4Radiolarians abundanceRad abundAbundance estimate
5Radiolarian preservationRad preservAbundance estimate
6Carpocanistrum sp.Carpocanistrum sp.Abundance estimate
7Thecosphaera sp.Thecosphaera sp.Abundance estimateSmall
8Thecosphaera sp.Thecosphaera sp.Abundance estimateLarge
9Thecosphaera sp.Thecosphaera sp.Abundance estimate
10Stylodictya sp.Stylodictya sp.Abundance estimate
11Stylacontarium bispiculumS. bispiculumAbundance estimate
12Spongodiscus sp.Spongodiscus sp.Abundance estimate
13Peripyramis sp.Peripyramis sp.Abundance estimate
14Lychnocanoma sp.Lychnocanoma sp.Abundance estimate
15Larcopyle sp.Larcopyle sp.Abundance estimate
16Hexalonche philosophicaH. philosophicaAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
17Eucyrtidium punctatumE. punctatumAbundance estimate
18Druppatractus sp.Druppatractus sp.Abundance estimate
19Cyrtocapsella tetraperaC. tetraperaAbundance estimate
20Actinomma sp.Actinomma sp.Abundance estimate
21Actinomma sp.Actinomma sp.Abundance estimateVar. B
22Actinomma sp.Actinomma sp.Abundance estimateVar. C
23Actinomma sp.Actinomma sp.Abundance estimateVar. A
24Cyrtocapsella sp.Cyrtocapsella sp.Abundance estimate
25Cenosphaera sp.Cenosphaera sp.Abundance estimateSmall
26Cenosphaera sp.Cenosphaera sp.Abundance estimateLarge
27Cenosphaera sp.Cenosphaera sp.Abundance estimate
28Calocyclas sp.Calocyclas sp.Abundance estimateVar. A
29Stylatractus sp.Stylatractus sp.Abundance estimate
30Spongoplegma antarcticumS. antarcticumAbundance estimate
31Siphonosphaera sp.Siphonosphaera sp.Abundance estimate
32Siphocampe sp.Siphocampe sp.Abundance estimate
33Lychnocanoma elongataL. elongataAbundance estimate
34Lychnocanoma conicaL. conicaAbundance estimate
35Lophocyrtis sp.Lophocyrtis sp.Abundance estimate
36Lamprocyrtis maritalisL. maritalisAbundance estimate
37Hexacontium sp.Hexacontium sp.Abundance estimate
38Heliodiscus asteriscusH. asteriscusAbundance estimate
39Cyrtocapsella cornutaC. cornutaAbundance estimate
40Thecosphaera miocenicaT. miocenicaAbundance estimate
41Siphocampe grantmackieiS. grantmackieiAbundance estimate
42Pylospira sp.Pylospira sp.Abundance estimate
43Lychnocanoma sp.Lychnocanoma sp.Abundance estimatevar. B
44Stylacontarium acquiloniumS. acquiloniumAbundance estimate
45Stichocorys sp.Stichocorys sp.Abundance estimate
46Stichocorys delmontensisS. delmontensisAbundance estimate
47Eucyrtidium teuscheri teuscheriE. teuscheri teuscheriAbundance estimate
48Eucyrtidium inflatumE. inflatumAbundance estimate
49Cyrtocapsella japonicaC. japonicaAbundance estimate
50Ceratocyrtis sp.Ceratocyrtis sp.Abundance estimate
51Axoprunum angelinumA. angelinumAbundance estimate
52NassellariaNassellariaAbundance estimateVar. B
53Druppatractus irregularisD. irregularisAbundance estimate
54Diartus sp.Diartus sp.Abundance estimate
55Diartus sp.Diartus sp.Abundance estimateVar. C
56Stylatractus universusS. universusAbundance estimate
57Cycladophora sp.Cycladophora sp.Abundance estimate
58LithoperaLithoperaAbundance estimateSpecies questionable, Var. A
59Gondwanaria sp.Gondwanaria sp.Abundance estimate
60Euchitonia sp.Euchitonia sp.Abundance estimate
61Dendrospyris megalocephalisD. megalocephalisAbundance estimate
62Prunopyle sp.Prunopyle sp.Abundance estimate
63Phormospyris stabilis stabilisP. stabilis stabilisAbundance estimate
64Lithopera neoteraL. neoteraAbundance estimate
65Eucyrtidium sp.Eucyrtidium sp.Abundance estimate
66Eucyrtidium cienkowskiiE. cienkowskiiAbundance estimateGroup
67Eucyrtidium calvertenseE. calvertenseAbundance estimate
68Cyrtocapsella elongataC. elongataAbundance estimate
69Cycladophora humerusC. humerusAbundance estimate
70Cycladophora bicornis amphoraC. bicornis amphoraAbundance estimate
71Lithelius minorL. minorAbundance estimate
72Theocorythium vetulumT. vetulumAbundance estimate
73Triceraspyris coronataT. coronataAbundance estimate
74Dictyophimus sp.Dictyophimus sp.Abundance estimate
75Triceraspyris sp.Triceraspyris sp.Abundance estimate
76Carpocanopsis bramletteiC. bramletteiAbundance estimate
77Theocorythium sp.Theocorythium sp.Abundance estimate
78Tetrapyle octacanthaT. octacanthaAbundance estimate
79Prunopyle titanP. titanAbundance estimate
80Periphaena sp.Periphaena sp.Abundance estimate
81Helotholus praevemaH. praevemaAbundance estimate
82Carpocanopsis sp.Carpocanopsis sp.Abundance estimate
83Botryostrobus sp.Botryostrobus sp.Abundance estimate
84Pterocanium trilobumP. trilobumAbundance estimate
85Stichocorys peregrinaS. peregrinaAbundance estimate
86Anthocyrtidium sp.Anthocyrtidium sp.Abundance estimate
375 data points

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