Howe, Richard W; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip PE; Shipboard Scientific Party (2005): Range table from nannofossils in ODP Hole 157-951A [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
ODP/TAMU (2005): JANUS Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA; (data copied from Janus 2005-02 to 2005-06),
Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip PE; Firth, John V; et al. (1995): Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 157 Initial Reports. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, 157, 843 pp,
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Latitude: 32.031600 * Longitude: -24.870500
Date/Time Start: 1994-08-11T08:51:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-08-13T11:40:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 181.14 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 252.41 m
157-951A * Latitude: 32.031600 * Longitude: -24.870500 * Date/Time Start: 1994-08-11T08:51:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-08-13T11:40:00 * Elevation: -5448.0 m * Penetration: 256.6 m * Recovery: 251.52 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: Leg157 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 28 cores; 256.6 m cored; 0 m drilled; 98 % recovery
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Depth, composite | Depth comp | mcd | Howe, Robert C | ||
3 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Howe, Robert C | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | ||
4 | Nannofossil abundance | Nannos abund | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
5 | Nannofossils preservation | Nannos preserv | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
6 | Sphenolithus moriformis | S. moriformis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
7 | Sphenolithus heteromorphus | S. heteromorphus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
8 | Reticulofenestra minutula | R. minutula | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
9 | Reticulofenestra minuta | R. minuta | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
10 | Pontosphaera multipora | P. multipora | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
11 | Pontosphaera discopora | P. discopora | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
12 | Helicosphaera euphratis | H. euphratis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
13 | Helicosphaera carteri | H. carteri | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
14 | Geminilithella rotula | G. rotula | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
15 | Discoaster variabilis | D. variabilis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
16 | Discoaster deflandrei | D. deflandrei | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
17 | Cyclicargolithus floridanus | C. floridanus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
18 | Coccolithus pelagicus | C. pelagicus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
19 | Coccolithus miopelagicus | C. miopelagicus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
20 | Pyrocyclus orangensis | P. orangensis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
21 | Pyrocyclus hermosus | P. hermosus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
22 | Hayella aperta | H. aperta | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
23 | Calcidiscus tropicus | C. tropicus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
24 | Calcidiscus premacintyrei | C. premacintyrei | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
25 | Calcidiscus leptoporus | C. leptoporus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
26 | Rhabdosphaera procera | R. procera | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
27 | Umbilicosphaera sibogae | U. sibogae | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
28 | Cryptococcolithus takayamae | C. takayamae | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
29 | Scyphosphaera spp. | Scyphosphaera spp. | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
30 | Discoaster signus | D. signus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
31 | Discoaster kugleri | D. kugleri | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
32 | Cruciplacolithus tenuiforatus | C. tenuiforatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
33 | Pontosphaera spp. | Pontosphaera spp. | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
34 | Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus | R. pseudoumbilicus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
35 | Discoaster musicus | D. musicus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
36 | Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus | T. rugosus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
37 | Scapholithus fossilis | S. fossilis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
38 | Discoaster bollii | D. bollii | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
39 | Calcidiscus macintyrei | C. macintyrei | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
40 | Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis | H. walbersdorfensis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
41 | Sphenolithus abies | S. abies | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
42 | Helicosphaera stalis | H. stalis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
43 | Helicosphaera orientalis | H. orientalis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
44 | Discoaster bellus | D. bellus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
45 | Catinaster coalitus | C. coalitus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
46 | Catinaster calyculus | C. calyculus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
47 | Syracosphaera spp. | Syracosphaera spp. | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
48 | Reticulofenestra rotaria | R. rotaria | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
49 | Minylitha convallis | M. convallis | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
50 | Discoaster prepentaradiatus | D. prepentaradiatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
51 | Discoaster neohamatus | D. neohamatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
52 | Discoaster brouweri | D. brouweri | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
53 | Discoaster pentaradiatus | D. pentaradiatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
54 | Discoaster calcaris | D. calcaris | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
55 | Discoaster quinqueramus | D. quinqueramus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
56 | Discoaster loeblichii | D. loeblichii | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
57 | Discoaster berggrenii | D. berggrenii | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
58 | Triquetrorhabdulus striatus | T. striatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
59 | Discoaster surculus | D. surculus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
60 | Amaurolithus primus | A. primus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
61 | Holodiscolithus solidus | H. solidus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
62 | Amaurolithus delicatus | A. delicatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
63 | Amaurolithus amplificus | A. amplificus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
64 | Hayella challengeri | H. challengeri | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
65 | Amaurolithus tricorniculatus | A. tricorniculatus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
66 | Discoaster asymmetricus | D. asymmetricus | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate | ||
67 | Comment | Comment | Howe, Robert C | Abundance estimate |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
846 data points
1 Depth sed [m] | 2 Depth comp [mcd] | 3 Sample label | 4 Nannos abund | 5 Nannos preserv | 6 S. moriformis | 7 S. heteromorphus | 8 R. minutula | 9 R. minuta | 10 P. multipora | 11 P. discopora | 12 H. euphratis | 13 H. carteri | 14 G. rotula | 15 D. variabilis | 16 D. deflandrei | 17 C. floridanus | 18 C. pelagicus | 19 C. miopelagicus | 20 P. orangensis | 21 P. hermosus | 22 H. aperta | 23 C. tropicus | 24 C. premacintyrei | 25 C. leptoporus | 26 R. procera | 27 U. sibogae | 28 C. takayamae | 29 Scyphosphaera spp. | 30 D. signus | 31 D. kugleri | 32 C. tenuiforatus | 33 Pontosphaera spp. | 34 R. pseudoumbilicus | 35 D. musicus | 36 T. rugosus | 37 S. fossilis | 38 D. bollii | 39 C. macintyrei | 40 H. walbersdorfensis | 41 S. abies | 42 H. stalis | 43 H. orientalis | 44 D. bellus | 45 C. coalitus | 46 C. calyculus | 47 Syracosphaera spp. | 48 R. rotaria | 49 M. convallis | 50 D. prepentaradiatus | 51 D. neohamatus | 52 D. brouweri | 53 D. pentaradiatus | 54 D. calcaris | 55 D. quinqueramus | 56 D. loeblichii | 57 D. berggrenii | 58 T. striatus | 59 D. surculus | 60 A. primus | 61 H. solidus | 62 A. delicatus | 63 A. amplificus | 64 H. challengeri | 65 A. tricorniculatus | 66 D. asymmetricus | 67 Comment |
181.14 | 181.14 | 157-951A-21X-2,24 | H | M | A | C | R | R | F | F | C | F | R | F | C | S | F | F | S | C | C | F | R | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
181.40 | 181.40 | 157-951A-21X-2,50 | L-M | M | C | C | R | S | R | F | C | F | R | R | R | F | S | F | R | F | R | R | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
184.88 | 184.88 | 157-951A-21X-4,98 | VH | M-G | A | A | F | F | C | F | R | F | S | R | C | R | F | F | C | R | F | F | R | ?S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
187.20 | 187.20 | 157-951A-21X-6,29.5 | L | P | R | R | C | R | F | F | R | F | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
187.84 | 187.84 | 157-951A-21X-CC,1 | L-M | P-M | C | C | R | R | F | R | R | F | R | R | R | F | F | R | Single Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
193.95 | 193.95 | 157-951A-22X-4,35 | VH | M | A | A | R | F | F | C | C | R | C | S | C | R | F | F | R | F | F | C | R | F | F | R | Rare Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
199.67 | 199.67 | 157-951A-23X-1,97 | M | M-G | A | C | S | R | S | F | F | F | F | S | R | F | R | R | C | R | R | R | S | R | R | R | S | Single Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
204.44 | 204.44 | 157-951A-23X-4,124 | H | M-G | A | A | R | S | F | C | F | C | R | F | R | S | C | S | R | F | R | F | F | R | R | S | Rare Cretaceous & Single Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
205.19 | 205.19 | 157-951A-23X-5,49 | M | P-M | A | C | F | F | C | F | S | R | R | S | C | R | R | R | F | F | R | S | R | R | S | Single Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
208.99 | 208.99 | 157-951A-24X-1,59 | H | M-G | A | A | R | F | F | C | F | R | R | R | R | S | S | C | R | F | F | F | R | C | R | S | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
212.16 | 212.16 | 157-951A-24X-3,76 | M | M | C | C | S | F | F | C | C | S | R | R | R | R | S | R | C | R | R | R | R | R | F | R | R | R | R | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
215.08 | 215.08 | 157-951A-24X-5,68 | H | G | A | A | S | F | F | C | C | S | R | R | F | R | R | S | C | R | F | R | F | F | R | F | S | R | R | S | Single Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
216.92 | 216.92 | 157-951A-24X-6,102 | L | P | F | R | C | R | C | C | F | R | S | S | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
217.58 | 217.58 | 157-951A-24X-CC,17.5 | VL | P | R | R | S | S | R | S | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
218.91 | 218.91 | 157-951A-25X-1,91 | VH | P-M | A | A | R | R | F | C | C | F | R | C | R | F | R | R | R | F | F | R | F | ?R | R | F | F | R | R | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
220.55 | 220.55 | 157-951A-25X-2,105 | M | M | C | C | R | F | F | F | C | R | F | F | S | F | R | F | R | R | R | C | F | R | Few Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
223.40 | 223.40 | 157-951A-25X-4,90 | M | M | C | C | R | S | F | F | C | C | R | R | R | R | F | S | R | F | R | S | R | F | R | F | R | Single Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
225.89 | 225.89 | 157-951A-25X-6,39 | H | M-G | A | A | F | F | F | C | C | S | R | F | F | R | S | F | R | R | F | R | R | S | F | R | C | S | F | Rare Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
226.37 | 226.37 | 157-951A-25X-6,87 | VL | P | R | R | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
227.68 | 227.68 | 157-951A-25X-CC,20 | VH | M-G | A | A | F | F | R | F | C | C | C | R | F | F | R | S | F | S | F | F | S | R | F | R | C | F | F | R | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
227.75 | 227.75 | 157-951A-25X-CC,27 | VL | P | S | S | S | ?S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
228.75 | 228.75 | 157-951A-26X-1,105 | H | M-G | S | A | A | R | F | F | C | R | C | R | F | F | R | R | R | R | R | F | R | R | F | F | F | R | S | R | R | Few Cretaceous & Rare Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
228.97 | 228.97 | 157-951A-26X-1,127 | VL | P | F | R | R | R | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
232.76 | 232.76 | 157-951A-26X-4,56 | H | M | A | A | R | R | F | F | C | C | S | R | F | R | F | S | S | S | R | R | R | F | R | F | R | C | F | S | F | R | C | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
234.41 | 234.41 | 157-951A-26X-5,71 | M | M | C | C | R | R | F | F | F | F | S | R | F | F | F | R | R | F | R | R | F | F | R | Rare Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
234.47 | 234.47 | 157-951A-26X-5,77 | VL | P | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
235.47 | 235.47 | 157-951A-26X-6,27 | M-H | M | C | A | R | S | S | F | F | C | C | R | F | F | F | R | R | F | F | C | F | R | C | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
238.27 | 238.27 | 157-951A-27X-1,97 | M-H | M-G | C | F | R | R | F | C | F | S | R | R | R | R | F | C | C | R | F | S | F | C | R | F | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
239.12 | 239.12 | 157-951A-27X-2,32 | M | M | C | C | R | S | F | C | C | S | C | R | R | F | F | R | C | S | F | F | F | R | F | S | S | ?S | F | S | R | F | Single Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
240.95 | 240.95 | 157-951A-27X-3,65 | VL | P | S | R | R | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
241.41 | 241.41 | 157-951A-27X-3,111 | M | P-M | C | F | R | R | S | R | F | C | F | S | S | R | F | C | S | C | R | R | S | S | ?R | F | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
242.68 | 242.68 | 157-951A-27X-CC,44 | VL | P | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
248.19 | 248.19 | 157-951A-28X-1,119 | M | M-G | R | C | C | R | R | F | F | F | R | R | F | R | R | C | R | S | R | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
249.10 | 249.10 | 157-951A-28X-2,60 | VL | P | R | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
249.72 | 249.72 | 157-951A-28X-2,122 | H | P-M | R | C | C | R | C | F | R | R | S | R | R | R | A | R | F | F | Rare Cretaceous & Single Paleogene reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
251.38 | 251.38 | 157-951A-28X-3,138 | L | P-M | C | F | R | R | F | F | R | R | R | R | R | F | F | S | found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
252.41 | 252.41 | 157-951A-28X-4,91 | H | G | F | R | A | C | F | R | C | C | C | R | C | F | S | R | S | F | R | R | F | C | S | S | ?R | A | R | F | R | F | F | Few Cretaceous reworking. found in SR. Ch 29. Table 3. |