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Howe, Richard W; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip PE; Shipboard Scientific Party (2005): Range table from nannofossils in ODP Hole 157-951A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
ODP/TAMU (2005): JANUS Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA; (data copied from Janus 2005-02 to 2005-06),
Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip PE; Firth, John V; et al. (1995): Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 157 Initial Reports. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, 157, 843 pp,
Latitude: 32.031600 * Longitude: -24.870500
Date/Time Start: 1994-08-11T08:51:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-08-13T11:40:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 181.14 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 252.41 m
157-951A * Latitude: 32.031600 * Longitude: -24.870500 * Date/Time Start: 1994-08-11T08:51:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-08-13T11:40:00 * Elevation: -5448.0 m * Penetration: 256.6 m * Recovery: 251.52 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: Leg157 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 28 cores; 256.6 m cored; 0 m drilled; 98 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, compositeDepth compmcdHowe, Robert C
3Sample code/labelSample labelHowe, Robert CDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
4Nannofossil abundanceNannos abundHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
5Nannofossils preservationNannos preservHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
6Sphenolithus moriformisS. moriformisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
7Sphenolithus heteromorphusS. heteromorphusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
8Reticulofenestra minutulaR. minutulaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
9Reticulofenestra minutaR. minutaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
10Pontosphaera multiporaP. multiporaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
11Pontosphaera discoporaP. discoporaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
12Helicosphaera euphratisH. euphratisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
13Helicosphaera carteriH. carteriHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
14Geminilithella rotulaG. rotulaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
15Discoaster variabilisD. variabilisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
16Discoaster deflandreiD. deflandreiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
17Cyclicargolithus floridanusC. floridanusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
18Coccolithus pelagicusC. pelagicusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
19Coccolithus miopelagicusC. miopelagicusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
20Pyrocyclus orangensisP. orangensisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
21Pyrocyclus hermosusP. hermosusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
22Hayella apertaH. apertaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
23Calcidiscus tropicusC. tropicusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
24Calcidiscus premacintyreiC. premacintyreiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
25Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
26Rhabdosphaera proceraR. proceraHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
27Umbilicosphaera sibogaeU. sibogaeHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
28Cryptococcolithus takayamaeC. takayamaeHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
29Scyphosphaera spp.Scyphosphaera spp.Howe, Robert CAbundance estimate
30Discoaster signusD. signusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
31Discoaster kugleriD. kugleriHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
32Cruciplacolithus tenuiforatusC. tenuiforatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
33Pontosphaera spp.Pontosphaera spp.Howe, Robert CAbundance estimate
34Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicusR. pseudoumbilicusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
35Discoaster musicusD. musicusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
36Triquetrorhabdulus rugosusT. rugosusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
37Scapholithus fossilisS. fossilisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
38Discoaster bolliiD. bolliiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
39Calcidiscus macintyreiC. macintyreiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
40Helicosphaera walbersdorfensisH. walbersdorfensisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
41Sphenolithus abiesS. abiesHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
42Helicosphaera stalisH. stalisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
43Helicosphaera orientalisH. orientalisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
44Discoaster bellusD. bellusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
45Catinaster coalitusC. coalitusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
46Catinaster calyculusC. calyculusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
47Syracosphaera spp.Syracosphaera spp.Howe, Robert CAbundance estimate
48Reticulofenestra rotariaR. rotariaHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
49Minylitha convallisM. convallisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
50Discoaster prepentaradiatusD. prepentaradiatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
51Discoaster neohamatusD. neohamatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
52Discoaster brouweriD. brouweriHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
53Discoaster pentaradiatusD. pentaradiatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
54Discoaster calcarisD. calcarisHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
55Discoaster quinqueramusD. quinqueramusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
56Discoaster loeblichiiD. loeblichiiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
57Discoaster berggreniiD. berggreniiHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
58Triquetrorhabdulus striatusT. striatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
59Discoaster surculusD. surculusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
60Amaurolithus primusA. primusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
61Holodiscolithus solidusH. solidusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
62Amaurolithus delicatusA. delicatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
63Amaurolithus amplificusA. amplificusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
64Hayella challengeriH. challengeriHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
65Amaurolithus tricorniculatusA. tricorniculatusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
66Discoaster asymmetricusD. asymmetricusHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
67CommentCommentHowe, Robert CAbundance estimate
846 data points

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