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Scherer, Reed P; Myhre, Annik M; Thiede, Jörn; Shipboard Scientific Party (2005): Range table from diatoms in ODP Hole 151-913B [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Myhre, Annik M; Thiede, Jörn; Firth, John V; et al. (1995): Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 151 Initial Reports. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, 151, 926 pp,
ODP/TAMU (2005): JANUS Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA; (data copied from Janus 2005-02 to 2005-06),
Latitude: 75.489200 * Longitude: 6.946800
Date/Time Start: 1993-09-16T12:17:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-09-20T20:30:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 465.65 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 546.31 m
151-913B * Latitude: 75.489200 * Longitude: 6.946800 * Date/Time Start: 1993-09-16T12:17:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-09-20T20:30:00 * Elevation: -3330.0 m * Penetration: 770.3 m * Recovery: 210.29 m * Location: North Greenland Sea * Campaign: Leg151 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 51 core; 491.3 m cored; 0 m drilled; 42.8 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, compositeDepth compmcdScherer, Reed P
3Sample code/labelSample labelScherer, Reed PDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
4Diatom abundanceDiatom abundScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
5Diatom preservationDiatom preservScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
6Xanthiopyxis panduraeformisX. panduraeformisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
7Trinacria excavataT. excavataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
8Trinacria cornutaT. cornutaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
9Triceratium spp.Triceratium spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
10Triceratium inconspicuum var. trilobataT. inconspicuum var. trilobataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
11Triceratium inconspicuumT. inconspicuumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
12Stephanopyxis turrisS. turrisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
13Stellarima spp.Stellarima spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
14Solium exculptumS. exculptumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
15Pseudotriceratium chenevieriP. chenevieriScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
16Pseudopyxilla spp.Pseudopyxilla spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
17Paralia sulcataP. sulcataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
18Hemiaulus spp.Hemiaulus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
19Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
20Brightwellia sp.Brightwellia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
21Amphitetras subcoronataA. subcoronataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
22Alaucodiscus spp.Alaucodiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
23Xanthiopyxis spp.Xanthiopyxis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
24Tubaformis cf. unicornisT. cf. unicornisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
25Trochosira coronataT. coronataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
26Thalassiosira dubiosaT. dubiosaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
27SporesSporesScherer, Reed PAbundance estimateother resting
28Sceptroneis mayenicaS. mayenicaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
29Sceptroneis grunowiiS. grunowiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
30Riedelia spp.Riedelia spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
31Pterotheca spp.Pterotheca spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
32Pterotheca aculeiferaP. aculeiferaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
33Pteriptera spp.Pteriptera spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
34Pseudopodosira spp.Pseudopodosira spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
35Paralia crenulataP. crenulataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
36Naviculata udintseviiN. udintseviiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
37Monobrachia spp.Monobrachia spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
38Hemiaulus polymorphusH. polymorphusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
39Hemiaulus polycystinorumH. polycystinorumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
40Hemiaulus hostilisH. hostilisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
41Distephanosira architecturalisD. architecturalisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
42Costopyxis trochleaC. trochleaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
43Coscinodiscus oligocenicusC. oligocenicusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
44Chasea spp.Chasea spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
45Chaetoceros spp.Chaetoceros spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
46Cestodiscus sp.Cestodiscus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateVar. A
47Cestodiscus sp.Cestodiscus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateVar. B
48Cestodiscus sp.Cestodiscus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateVar. C
49Actinoptychus undulatusA. undulatusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
50Actinoptychus irregularisA. irregularisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
51Thalassiosira mediaconvexaT. mediaconvexaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
52Stictodiscus kittonianusS. kittonianusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
53Sceptroneis pesplanusS. pesplanusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
54Rhizosolenia spp.Rhizosolenia spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
55Rhizosolenia spp.Rhizosolenia spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
56Rhaphoneis sp.Rhaphoneis sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
57Odontotropis carinataO. carinataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
58Mastogloia sp.Mastogloia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
59Cymatosira sp.Cymatosira sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateVar. A
60Cocconeis spp.Cocconeis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
61Clavicula polymorphaC. polymorphaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
62Actinoptychus spp.Actinoptychus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
63Actinoptychus senariusA. senariusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
64Monobrachia unicornitisM. unicornitisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
65Grammatophora spp.Grammatophora spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
66Praecymatosira sp.Praecymatosira sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
67Azpeitia tuberculata var. atlanticaA. tuberculata var. atlanticaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
68Asterolampra spp.Asterolampra spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
69Asterolampra aff. vulgarisA. aff. vulgarisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
70Pseudostictodiscus picusP. picusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
71Porotheca danicaP. danicaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
72Hemiaulus incisusH. incisusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
73Hemiaulus elegansH. elegansScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
74Hemiaulus dissimilisH. dissimilisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
75Glyphodiscus spp.Glyphodiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
76Endictya spp.Endictya spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
77Drepanotheca bivittataD. bivittataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
78Arachnoidiscus spp.Arachnoidiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
79Detonia sp.Detonia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateVar. B, species questionable
80Thalassiosira spp.Thalassiosira spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
81Riedelia clavigerR. clavigerScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
82Hyalodiscus sp.Hyalodiscus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
83Grunoviella gemmataG. gemmataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
84Diploneis spp.Diploneis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
85Asterolampra insignisA. insignisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
86Actinoptychus hexagonus var. tenellaA. hexagonus var. tenellaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
87Coscinodiscus aff. tenerrimusC. aff. tenerrimusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
88Sceptroneis aff. tenueS. aff. tenueScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
89Rhizosolenia palleolaR. palleolaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
90Rhaphoneis amphicerosR. amphicerosScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
91Odontella sp.Odontella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
92Neosynedra sp.Neosynedra sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
93Neodelphineis sp.Neodelphineis sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
94Gephyria spp.Gephyria spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
95Eunotigramma spp.Eunotigramma spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
96Asterolampra punctiferaA. punctiferaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
97Asterolampra affinisA. affinisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
98CommentCommentScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
480 data points

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