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Fetzer, Ingo (2005): Abundance of meroplankton during cruise BP00 (southern Kara Sea) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Fetzer, I (2003): Distribution of meroplankton in the southern Kara Sea in relation to local hydrographic pattern. In: Stein, R; Fahl, K; Fütterer, D K; Galimov, E M & Stepanets, O V (eds.), Siberian River Run-off in the Kara Sea: Characterisation, Quantification, Variability, and Environmental Significance, 488 pp. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 6, 195-212

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Published: 2005-05-09DOI registered: 2005-06-15

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Related to:
Deubel, Hendrik; Engel, Marcus; Fetzer, Ingo; Gagaev, S Yu; Hirche, Hans-Juergen; Klages, Michael; Larionov, Viktor V; Lubin, P; Lubina, O; Nöthig, Eva-Maria; Odkolodkov, Y; Rachor, Eike (2003): The Kara Sea ecosystem: phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos communities influenced by river run-off. In: Stein, R; Fahl, K; Fütterer, D K; Galimov, E M & Stepanets, O V (eds.), Siberian River Run-off in the Kara Sea: Characterisation, Quantification, Variability, and Environmental Significance, 488 pp. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 6, 237-266
Fetzer, Ingo (2005): Reproduction strategies and distribution of larvae and juveniles of benthic soft-bottom invertebrates in the Kara Sea (Russian Arctic). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 496, 200 pp,
Median Latitude: 75.223696 * Median Longitude: 80.967038 * South-bound Latitude: 72.933633 * West-bound Longitude: 74.003283 * North-bound Latitude: 76.936200 * East-bound Longitude: 85.763217
Date/Time Start: 2000-09-04T05:53:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-09-18T09:43:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 2.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 60.0 m
BP00-02 * Latitude: 75.401900 * Longitude: 74.003283 * Date/Time: 2000-09-04T05:53:00 * Elevation: -49.6 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP00 * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
BP00-05 * Latitude: 75.837000 * Longitude: 81.005333 * Date/Time: 2000-09-06T04:20:00 * Elevation: -50.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP00 * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: CTD/RS/bucket/plankton net/large volume sampler/epibenthos sledge
BP00-07 * Latitude: 74.657600 * Longitude: 81.141100 * Date/Time: 2000-09-07T06:22:00 * Elevation: -38.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP00 * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: CTD/RS/bucket/plankton net/large volume sampler/benthos dredge/epibenthos sledge
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Date/Time of eventDate/Time
5Elevation of eventElevationm
6DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
7Depth, top/minDepth topmFetzer, Ingo
8Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmFetzer, Ingo
9Ophiura sp., larvaeOphiura sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
10Asterioida sp.Asterioida sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
11Spionida sp., larvaeSpionida sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
12Glyceridae sp., larvaeGlyceridae sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
13Nephtys sp., larvaeNephtys sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
14Aglophamus sp.Aglophamus sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
15Nerida sp., larvaeNerida sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
16Pholoe sp., larvaePholoe sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
17Phyllodoce sp., larvaePhyllodoce sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
18Eteone longa, larvaeE. longa larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
19Polynoida sp., larvaePolynoida sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
20Harmotoe sp., larvaeHarmotoe sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
21Owenia fusiformis, larvaeO. fusiformis larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
22Orbinidae sp., larvaeOrbinidae sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
23Flabelligerida sp.Flabelligerida sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
24Trochophora, larvaeTrochophora larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCountingVar 3
25Trochophora, larvaeTrochophora larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCountingsmall
26Trochophora, larvaeTrochophora larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCountingspherical
27Trochophora, larvaeTrochophora larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCountingVar 1
28Trochophora, larvaeTrochophora larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCountingVar 2
29Balanus sp., larvaeBalanus sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
30Actinula sp.Actinula sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
31Ceriantus lloydiiC. lloydii#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
32Gastropoda sp.Gastropoda sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
33Bivalvia sp.Bivalvia sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
34Nudibranchia sp., larvaeNudibranchia sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
35Sipunculus sp., larvaeSipunculus sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
36BryozoaBryozoa#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
37Nermertina sp., larvaeNermertina sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
38Tunicata sp., larvaeTunicata sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
39Priapulida sp., larvaePriapulida sp. larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting
759 data points

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