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Fetzer, Ingo (2005): Abundance of zooplankton during cruise BP97 (southern Kara Sea) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005-05-02DOI registered: 2005-06-15

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Related to:
Fetzer, Ingo (2005): Reproduction strategies and distribution of larvae and juveniles of benthic soft-bottom invertebrates in the Kara Sea (Russian Arctic). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 496, 200 pp,
Fetzer, Ingo; Hirche, Hans-Juergen; Kolosova, E G (2002): The influence of freshwater discharge on the distribution of zooplankton in the southern Kara Sea. Polar Biology, 25(6), 404-415,
Median Latitude: 73.333733 * Median Longitude: 76.974383 * South-bound Latitude: 72.093160 * West-bound Longitude: 72.662000 * North-bound Latitude: 74.000667 * East-bound Longitude: 82.813333
Date/Time Start: 1997-09-13T09:08:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-09-25T11:18:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 3.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 17.5 m
BP97-01 * Latitude: 73.910500 * Longitude: 73.183000 * Date/Time: 1997-09-13T09:08:00 * Elevation: -31.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP97 (KaraSea97) * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Sampling gear, diverse (DIVERSE) * Comment: CTD-1,PN-4,PHN-1,RS-3,LVS-3,OG-3,LBC-3,MUC-1,GC500-1,BD-1,UWR-1
BP97-10 * Latitude: 72.502833 * Longitude: 74.080833 * Date/Time: 1997-09-14T09:59:00 * Elevation: -15.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP97 (KaraSea97) * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Sampling gear, diverse (DIVERSE) * Comment: CTD-1,PN-4,PHN-1,RS-3,LVS-3,OG-3,LBS-3,MUC-2,GC500-1,BD-1
BP97-18 * Latitude: 73.961667 * Longitude: 76.138833 * Date/Time: 1997-09-16T04:08:00 * Elevation: -25.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: BP97 (KaraSea97) * Basis: Akademik Boris Petrov * Method/Device: Sampling gear, diverse (DIVERSE) * Comment: CTD-1,PN-4,PHN-1,RS-3,LVS-3,OG-3,LBC-1,BD-1,UWR-1
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Date/Time of eventDate/Time
5Elevation of eventElevationm
6DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
7Depth, top/minDepth topmFetzer, Ingo
8Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmFetzer, Ingo
9Acartia longiremisA. longiremis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
10Calanus glacialisC. glacialis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
11Calanus finmarchicusC. finmarchicus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
12Calanus hyperboreusC. hyperboreus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
13Centropages hamatusC. hamatus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
14Drepanopus bungeiD. bungei#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
15Eurytemora sp.Eurytemora sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
16Jaschnovia brevisJ. brevis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo MicroscopeSpecies questionable
17Jaschnovia tolliJ. tolli#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
18Limnocalanus macrurusL. macrurus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
19Metridia longaM. longa#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
20Microcalanus pygmaeusM. pygmaeus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
21Pareuchaeta glacialisP. glacialis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
22Pareuchaeta norvegicaP. norvegica#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
23Diaptomus sp.Diaptomus sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
24Diaptomus gracilisD. gracilis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
25Pseudocalanus spp.Pseudocalanus spp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
26Pseudocalanus minutusP. minutus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
27Pseudocalanus acuspesP. acuspes#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
28Pseudocalanus majorP. major#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
29Temora longicornisT. longicornis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
30EggsEggs#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
31Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
32Euphausiacea, naupliiEuphaus naup#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
33Harpacticoida spp.Harpacticoida spp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
34Cyclops strenuusC. strenuus#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
35Microsetella norvegicaM. norvegica#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
36Oithona similisO. similis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
37Oncaea borealisO. borealis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
38Bosmina sp.Bosmina sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo MicroscopeB. obtusirostris?
39Daphnia sp.Daphnia sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
40Cypris, larvaeCypris larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
41Acanthostepheia malmgreniA. malmgreni#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
42Hyperia galbaH. galba#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
43Gammarida sp.Gammarida sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
44OstracodaOstrac#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscopespp.
45Mysis oculataM. oculata#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
46Thysanoessa raschiiT. raschii#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
47Aglantha digitaleA. digitale#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
48Aeginopsis laurentiiA. laurentii#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
49Eumedusa birulaiE. birulai#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
50Euphysa flammeaE. flammea#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
51Halitholus yoldiaarcticaeH. yoldiaarcticae#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
52Obelia spp.Obelia spp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
53Ctenophora spp.Ctenophora spp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
54Keratella cochlearisK. cochlearis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
55Sychaeta sp.Sychaeta sp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
56Polychaeta, juvenilePolychaeta juv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
57Polychaeta, larvaePolychaete larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
58Limacina spp.Limacina spp.#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
59Clione limacinaC. limacina#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
60Bivalvia, larvaeBivalvia larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
61Gastropoda, larvaeGastrop larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
62Sagitta elegansS. elegans#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
63Eukrohnia hamataE. hamata#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
64Fritillaria borealisF. borealis#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
65Oikopleura vanhoeffeniO. vanhoeffeni#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
66EchinodermataEchinod#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
67Ophioplutei, larvaeOphioplute larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
68Asteroida, juvenileAsteroida juv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscopeincluding Ophiuroida
69Bryozoa, larvaeBryozoa larv#/m3Fetzer, IngoCounting, Stereo Microscope
1260 data points

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