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Kawamura, Hiroshi; Holbourn, Ann E; Kuhnt, Wolfgang (2006): (Appendix A) Organic carbon and chlorin concentration of sediment core MD01-2378 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Kawamura, H et al. (2006): Climate variability and land–ocean interactions in the Indo Pacific Warm Pool: A 460-ka palynological and organic geochemical record from the Timor Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 59(1), 1-14,

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Holbourn, Ann E; Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Jian, Zhimin; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Erlenkeuser, Helmut; Xu, Jian (2005): Orbitally-paced paleoproductivity variations in the Timor Sea and Indonesian Throughflow variability during the last 460-ky. Paleoceanography, 20(3), PA3002,
Latitude: -13.082500 * Longitude: 121.788000
Date/Time Start: 2001-05-03T21:05:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-05-03T21:05:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.060 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 40.560 m
MD01-2378 (MD012378) * Latitude: -13.082500 * Longitude: 121.788000 * Date/Time: 2001-05-03T21:05:00 * Elevation: -1783.0 m * Recovery: 40.73 m * Location: Timor Sea * Campaign: MD122 (IMAGES VII - WEPAMA) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1995) * Method/Device: Giant piston corer (GPC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelKawamura, Hiroshi
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
3AGEAgeka BPGeocode
4Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Kawamura, HiroshiElement analyser CHN, Carlo Erba
5ChlorinsChlorinsmg/gKawamura, HiroshiPigments, Turner fluorometer
1058 data points

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