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Stone, Sean Murphy; von Huene, Roland; Aubouin, Jean (2005): Planktic foraminifera abundance of Hole 84-567A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM
Winsborough, Barbara; Taylor, Elliott; Ogawa, Yujiro; McDougall, Kristin; McDonald, Thomas J; Lienert, B; Kvenvolden, Keith A; Helm, Roger; Filewicz, M; Bourgois, Jacques; Baltuck, Miriam; Arnott, Robert J; von Huene, Roland; Aubouin, Jean (1985): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, U.S. Government Printing Office, LXXXIV, 967 pp,
Further details:
Paleontology data base - background and methods. hdl:10013/epic.32352.d001
Latitude: 12.716500 * Longitude: -90.932000
Date/Time Start: 1982-01-29T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1982-01-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.88 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 359.48 m
84-567A * Latitude: 12.716500 * Longitude: -90.932000 * Date/Time: 1982-01-29T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5500.0 m * Penetration: 501 m * Recovery: 104.2 m * Location: North Pacific/SLOPE * Campaign: Leg84 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 28 cores; 296.6 m cored; 8.9 m drilled; 35.1 % recovery
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelStone, Sean MurphyDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3StratigraphyStratigraphyStone, Sean Murphy
4Cassigerinella chipolensisC. chipolensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
5Catapsydrax dissimilis ciperoensisC. dissimilis ciperoStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
6Catapsydrax dissimilis dissimilisC. dissimilis dissimilisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
7Catapsydrax sp.Catapsydrax sp.Stone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
8Catapsydrax stainforthiC. stainforthiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
9Catapsydrax unicavus unicavusC. unicavus unicavusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
10Foraminifera, planktic indeterminataForam plankt indetStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
11Globorotalia acrostomaG. acrostomaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
12Globorotalia anfractaG. anfractaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
13Globorotalia birnageaeG. birnageaeStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
14Globorotalia cibaoensisG. cibaoensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
15Globorotalia continuosaG. continuosaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
16Globorotalia kugleriG. kugleriStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
17Globorotalia mayeriG. mayeriStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
18Globorotalia menardiiG. menardiiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
19Globorotalia merotumidaG. merotumidaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
20Globorotalia minutissimaG. minutissimaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
21Globorotalia miozeaG. miozeaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
22Globorotalia opima nanaG. opima nanaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
23Globorotalia peripherorondaG. peripherorondaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
24Globorotalia plesiotumidaG. plesiotumidaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
25Globorotalia praescitulaG. praescitulaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
26Globorotalia pseudokugleriG. pseudokugleriStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
27Globorotalia scitulaG. scitulaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
28Globorotalia siakensisG. siakensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
29Globorotalia sp.Globorotalia sp.Stone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
30Globigerinoides altiaperturusG. altiaperturusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
31Globigerinoides bolliiG. bolliiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
32Globigerinoides bulloidesG. bulloidesStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
33Globigerinoides conglobatusG. conglobatusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
34Globigerinoides obliquus extremusG. obliquus extremusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
35Globigerinoides obliquus obliquusG. obliquus obliquusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
36Globigerinoides parawoodiG. parawoodiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
37Globigerinoides primordiusG. primordiusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
38Globigerinoides ruber ruberG. ruber ruberStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
39Globigerinoides sacculifer irregularisG. sacculifer irregStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
40Globigerinoides sacculifer sacculiferG. sacculifer sacculiferStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
41Globigerinoides sicanusG. sicanusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
42Globigerinoides sp.Globigerinoides sp.Stone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
43Globigerinoides subquadratusG. subquadratusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
44Globigerinoides transitoriusG. transitoriusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
45Globigerinoides trilobus bullatusG. trilobus bullatusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
46Globigerinoides trilobus immaturusG. trilobus immaturusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
47Globigerinoides trilobus trilobusG. trilobus trilobusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
48Globigerina sp.Globigerina sp.Stone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
49Globigerina angustiumbilicataG. angustiumbilicataStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
50Globigerina bulloidesG. bulloidesStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
51Globigerina ciperoensisG. ciperoensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
52Globigerina falconensisG. falconensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
53Globigerina glutinataG. glutinataStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
54Globigerina nepenthesG. nepenthesStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
55Globigerina obesaG. obesaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
56Globigerina praebulloides occlusaG. praebulloides occStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
57Globigerina praebulloides praebulloidesG. praebulloides praebulloidesStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
58Globigerina tripartitaG. tripartitaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
59Globigerina woodiG. woodiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
60Globigerinella aequilateralisG. aequilateralisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
61Globigerinella praesiphoniferaG. praesiphoniferaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
62Globoquadrina altispira altispiraG. altispira altispiraStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
63Globoquadrina baroemoenensisG. baroemoenensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
64Globoquadrina dehiscensG. dehiscensStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
65Globoquadrina sp.Globoquadrina sp.Stone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
66Globoquadrina venezuelanaG. venezuelanaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
67Globorotaloides hexagonusG. hexagonusStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
68Globorotaloides suteriG. suteriStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
69Globigerinita uvulaG. uvulaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
70Globotruncana arcaG. arcaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
71Globotruncana fornicataG. fornicataStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
72Globotruncana marieiG. marieiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
73Globotruncana petaloideaG. petaloideaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
74Hastigerinella bermudeziH. bermudeziStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
75Heterohelix globulosaH. globulosaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
76Heterohelix pulchraH. pulchraStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
77Neogloboquadrina acostaensisN. acostaensisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
78Neogloboquadrina atlanticaN. atlanticaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
79Neogloboquadrina dutertreiN. dutertreiStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
80Neogloboquadrina humerosaN. humerosaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
81Neogloboquadrina pachydermaN. pachydermaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
82Orbulina bilobataO. bilobataStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
83Pulleniatina primalisP. primalisStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
84Sphaeroidinellopsis disjunctaS. disjunctaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
85Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulinaS. seminulinaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
86Turborotalia quinquelobaT. quinquelobaStone, Sean MurphyAbundance estimate
592 data points

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