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Renz, G W; Veevers, John J; Heirtzler, James R (2005): Radiolaria abundance of Hole 27-261 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM
Thayer, Paul A; Rocker, Karl; Robinson, Paul T; Renz, G W; Proto Decima, Franka; McKnight, Brian K; Krasheninnikov, Valery A; Cook, Peter J; Carter, Alan N; Bolli, Hans M; Veevers, John J; Heirtzler, James R (1974): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, U.S. Government Printing Office, XXVII, 1060 pp,
Further details:
Paleontology data base - background and methods. hdl:10013/epic.32352.d001
Latitude: -12.947200 * Longitude: 117.892700
Date/Time Start: 1972-11-17T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1972-11-17T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.10 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 12.60 m
27-261 * Latitude: -12.947200 * Longitude: 117.892700 * Date/Time: 1972-11-17T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5667.0 m * Penetration: 579.5 m * Recovery: 120.5 m * Location: Indian Ocean//PLAIN * Campaign: Leg27 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 36 cores; 323 m cored; 9.5 m drilled; 37.3 % recovery
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelRenz, G WDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Radiolarians abundanceRad abundRenz, G W
4PreservationPreservRenz, G WG=good, M=moderate, P=poor
5StratigraphyStratigraphyRenz, G W
6Actinomma archadophorumA. archadophorumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
7Amphiplecta acrostomaA. acrostomaRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
8Amphirhopalum ypsilonA. ypsilonRenz, G WAbundance estimate
9Anthocyrtidium ophirenseA. ophirenseRenz, G WAbundance estimate
10Anthocyrtidium zanguebaricumA. zanguebaricumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
11Archipilium elegansA. elegansRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
12Archipilium macropusA. macropusRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
13Archipilium undulatumA. undulatumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
14Artostrobium auritumA. auritumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
15Artostrobium miralestenseA. miralestenseRenz, G WAbundance estimate
16Bathropyramis sp.Bathropyramis sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
17Botryopyle dictyocephalusB. dictyocephalusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
18Botryocyrtis sp.Botryocyrtis sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
19Calocyclas monumentumC. monumentumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
20Carpocanistrum sp.Carpocanistrum sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
21Carpocanarium papillosumC. papillosumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
22Centrobotrys thermophilaC. thermophilaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
23Centrocubus octostylusC. octostylusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
24Ceratocyrtis sp.Ceratocyrtis sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
25Cinclopyramis infundibulumC. infundibulumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
26Cladococcus abietinusC. abietinusRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
27Clathrocanium sp.Clathrocanium sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
28Clathrocyclas semelesC. semelesRenz, G WAbundance estimate
29Clathrocorys sp.Clathrocorys sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
30Collosphaera polygonaC. polygonaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
31Collosphaera tuberosaC. tuberosaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
32Corocalyptra cervusC. cervusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
33Cornutella longisettaC. longisettaRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
34Cornutella profundaC. profundaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
35Cyrtopera lagunculaC. lagunculaRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
36Dendrospyris binapertonisD. binapertonisRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
37Dendrospyris stabilisD. stabilisRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
38Dictyophimus crisiaeD. crisiaeRenz, G WAbundance estimate
39Dictyocoryne profundaD. profundaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
40Dictyoceras virchowiiD. virchowiiRenz, G WAbundance estimate
41Disolenia quadrataD. quadrataRenz, G WAbundance estimate
42Disolenia zanguebaricaD. zanguebaricaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
43Euchitonia mulleriE. mulleriRenz, G WAbundance estimate
44Eucyrtidium acuminatumE. acuminatumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
45Eucyrtidium anomalumE. anomalumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
46Eucyrtidium hexagonatumE. hexagonatumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
47Eucyrtidium hexastichumE. hexastichumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
48Giraffospyris angulataG. angulataRenz, G WAbundance estimate
49Giraffospyris laterispinaG. laterispinaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
50Haliomma glisifraH. glisifraRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
51Heliodiscus asteriscusH. asteriscusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
52Hexalonche sp.Hexalonche sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
53Hexapyle dodecanthaH. dodecanthaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
54Lampromitra parabolicaL. parabolicaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
55Lamprocyclas maritalisL. maritalisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
56Lamprocyrtis haysiL. haysiRenz, G WAbundance estimate
57Lamprocyrtis heteroporosL. heteroporosRenz, G WAbundance estimate
58Lamprospyris hookeriL. hookeriRenz, G WAbundance estimate
59Lamprotripus butschliiL. butschliiRenz, G WAbundance estimate
60Larcospira quadrangulaL. quadrangulaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
61Liriospyris costataL. costataRenz, G WAbundance estimate
62Liriospyris reticulataL. reticulataRenz, G WAbundance estimate
63Lithocampe sp.Lithocampe sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
64Litharachnium tenthoriumL. tenthoriumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
65Lithomelissa monocerasL. monocerasRenz, G WAbundance estimate
66Lithostrobus hexagonalisL. hexagonalisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
67Lithopera baccaL. baccaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
68Lithopilium sphaerocephalumL. sphaerocephalumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
69Lophophaenoma witjaziiL. witjaziiRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
70Lophophaena cylindricaL. cylindricaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
71Nephrospyris renillaN. renillaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
72Ommatartus tetrathalamusO. tetrathalamusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
73Otosphaera polymorphaO. polymorphaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
74Polysolenia sp.Polysolenia sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
75Porodiscus microporusP. microporusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
76Psilomelissa calvataP. calvataRenz, G WAbundance estimate
77Pteropilium stratiotesP. stratiotesRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
78Pterocanium praetextumP. praetextumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
79Pterocanium trilobumP. trilobumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
80Rhopalastrum sp.Rhopalastrum sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
81Saturnalis circularisS. circularisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
82Sethophormis sp.Sethophormis sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
83Siphocampe corbulaS. corbulaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
84Siphonosphaera sp.Siphonosphaera sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
85Siphonosphaera polysiphoniaS. polysiphoniaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
86Spirocyrtis scalarisS. scalarisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
87Spirocyrtis scalarisS. scalarisRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
88Spongodiscus sp.Spongodiscus sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
89Spongolagena sp.Spongolagena sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
90Spongaster tetrasS. tetrasRenz, G WAbundance estimate
91Spongocore diplocylindricaS. diplocylindricaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
92Spongosphaera streptacanthaS. streptacanthaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
93Spongotrochus multispinusS. multispinusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
94Stichopilium bicorneS. bicorneRenz, G WAbundance estimate
95Stylatractus universusS. universusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
96Stylodictya multispinaS. multispinaRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
97Stylosphaera sp.Stylosphaera sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
98Stylochlamidium venustumS. venustumRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
99Styptosphaera spongiaceaS. spongiaceaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
100Tessarastrum straussiiT. straussiiRenz, G WAbundance estimate
101Theocalyptra sp.Theocalyptra sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
102Theopilium pyramidaleT. pyramidaleRenz, G WAbundance estimate
103Theoconus hertwigiiT. hertwigiiRenz, G WAbundance estimate
104Theoconus junonisT. junonisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
105Theocorys venerisT. venerisRenz, G WAbundance estimate
106Theocorythium amicaeT. amicaeRenz, G WAbundance estimate
107Theocorythium tracheliumT. tracheliumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
108Tholospyris sp.Tholospyris sp.Renz, G WAbundance estimate
109Tholospyris scaphipesT. scaphipesRenz, G WAbundance estimate
110Tholospyris tripodiscusT. tripodiscusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
111Tympanidium foliosumT. foliosumRenz, G WAbundance estimate
112Verticillata hexacanthaV. hexacanthaRenz, G WAbundance estimate
113Zygocircus capulosusZ. capulosusRenz, G WAbundance estimate
114Zygocircus capulosusZ. capulosusRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
115Zygocircus piscicaudatusZ. piscicaudatusRenz, G WAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
194 data points

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