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Lang, Thomas H; Buffler, Richard T; Schlager, Wolfgang (2005): Nannofossil abundance of Hole 77-540 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005-02-18DOI registered: 2005-03-18

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Related to:
DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM
Watkins, David K; Tyson, Richard V; Testarmata, Margaret M; Avello Suarez, Otmara; Premoli Silva, Isabella; Patton, J W; McNulty, C L; Magoon, Leslie B; Kinoshita, Hajimu; Halley, Roberet B; Cotillon, Pierre; Bowdler, Jay L; Pisciotto, Kenneth A; Buffler, Richard T; Schlager, Wolfgang (1984): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, U.S. Government Printing Office, LXXVII, 747 pp,
Further details:
Paleontology data base - background and methods. hdl:10013/epic.32352.d001
Latitude: 23.828800 * Longitude: -84.370800
Date/Time Start: 1981-01-19T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1981-01-19T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.05 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 272.82 m
77-540 * Latitude: 23.828800 * Longitude: -84.370800 * Date/Time: 1981-01-19T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2926.0 m * Penetration: 745.5 m * Recovery: 335.1 m * Location: Gulf of Mexico * Campaign: Leg77 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 79 cores; 745.5 m cored; 0 m drilled; 44.9 % recovery
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelLang, Thomas HDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3PreservationPreservLang, Thomas HG=good, M=moderate, P=poor
4StratigraphyStratigraphyLang, Thomas H
5Amaurolithus amplificusA. amplificusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
6Amaurolithus primusA. primusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
7Braarudosphaera bigelowiiB. bigelowiiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
8Braarudosphaera disculaB. disculaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
9Bramletteius serraculoidesB. serraculoidesLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
10Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
11Calcidiscus macintyreiC. macintyreiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
12Campylosphaera delaC. delaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
13Campylosphaera eodelaC. eodelaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
14Catinaster coalitusC. coalitusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
15Ceratolithus cristatusC. cristatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
16Chiasmolithus altusC. altusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
17Chiasmolithus bidensC. bidensLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
18Chiasmolithus californicusC. californicusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
19Chiasmolithus consuetusC. consuetusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
20Chiasmolithus gigasC. gigasLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
21Chiasmolithus grandisC. grandisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
22Chiasmolithus staurionC. staurionLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
23Chiasmolithus titusC. titusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
24Clausicoccus cribellumC. cribellumLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
25Clausicoccus fenestratusC. fenestratusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
26Coccolithus cavusC. cavusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
27Coccolithus eopelagicusC. eopelagicusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
28Coccolithus pelagicusC. pelagicusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
29Coronocyclus nitescensC. nitescensLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
30Cruciplacolithus tenuisC. tenuisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
31Cyclicargolithus floridanusC. floridanusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
32Cyclicargolithus neohelisC. neohelisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
33Discoaster asymmetricusD. asymmetricusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
34Discoaster barbadiensisD. barbadiensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
35Discoaster berggreniiD. berggreniiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
36Discoaster brouweriD. brouweriLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
37Discoaster calcarisD. calcarisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
38Discoaster challengeriiD. challengeriiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
39Discoaster deflandreiD. deflandreiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
40Discoaster exilisD. exilisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
41Discoaster intercalarisD. intercalarisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
42Discoaster lenticularisD. lenticularisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
43Discoaster lodoensisD. lodoensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
44Discoaster loeblichiiD. loeblichiiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
45Discoaster mohleriD. mohleriLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
46Discoaster multiradiatusD. multiradiatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
47Discoaster neohamatusD. neohamatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
48Discoaster nobilisD. nobilisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
49Discoaster pentaradiatusD. pentaradiatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
50Discoaster quinqueramusD. quinqueramusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
51Discoaster saipanensisD. saipanensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
52Discoaster sublodoensisD. sublodoensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
53Discoaster surculusD. surculusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
54Discoaster taniiD. taniiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
55Discoaster variabilisD. variabilisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
56Discoasteroides kuepperiD. kuepperiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
57Discosphaera tubiferD. tubiferLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
58Ellipsolithus distichusE. distichusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
59Ellipsolithus macellusE. macellusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
60Emiliania huxleyiE. huxleyiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
61Ericsonia fenestrataE. fenestrataLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
62Ericsonia subpertusaE. subpertusaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
63Fasciculithus tympaniformisF. tympaniformisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
64Gephyrocapsa caribbeanicaG. caribbeanicaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
65Gephyrocapsa oceanicaG. oceanicaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
66Helicosphaera bramletteiH. bramletteiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
67Helicosphaera carteriH. carteriLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
68Helicosphaera compactaH. compactaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
69Helicosphaera euphratisH. euphratisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
70Helicosphaera intermediaH. intermediaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
71Helicosphaera rectaH. rectaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
72Helicosphaera reticulataH. reticulataLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
73Helicosphaera truncataH. truncataLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
74Helicosphaera wilcoxoniiH. wilcoxoniiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
75Heliolithus kleinpelliiH. kleinpelliiLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
76Isthmolithus recurvusI. recurvusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
77Lanternithus minutusL. minutusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
78Leptodiscus larvalisL. larvalisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
79Lophodolithus nascensL. nascensLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
80Markalius astroporusM. astroporusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
81Micrantholithus flosM. flosLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
82Micrantholithus vesperM. vesperLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
83Nannotetrina quadrataN. quadrataLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
84Neochiastozygus concinnusN. concinnusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
85Orthozygus aureusO. aureusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
86Peritrachelina joidesaP. joidesaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
87Pontosphaera anisotremaP. anisotremaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
88Pontosphaera japonicaP. japonicaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
89Pontosphaera rimosaP. rimosaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
90Pontosphaera segmentaP. segmentaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
91Prinsius bisulcusP. bisulcusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
92Reticulofenestra bisectaR. bisectaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
93Reticulofenestra hillaeR. hillaeLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
94Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicusR. pseudoumbilicusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
95Reticulofenestra scrippsaeR. scrippsaeLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
96Reticulofenestra umbilicusR. umbilicusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
97Rhabdosphaera clavigeraR. clavigeraLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
98Rhabdosphaera inflataR. inflataLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
99Rhabdosphaera styliferaR. styliferaLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
100Rhabdosphaera tenuisR. tenuisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
101Scapholithus fossilisS. fossilisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
102Sphenolithus abiesS. abiesLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
103Sphenolithus anarrhopusS. anarrhopusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
104Sphenolithus ciperoensisS. ciperoensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
105Sphenolithus ciperoensisS. ciperoensisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
106Sphenolithus distentusS. distentusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
107Sphenolithus moriformisS. moriformisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
108Sphenolithus predistentusS. predistentusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
109Sphenolithus pseudoradiansS. pseudoradiansLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
110Sphenolithus radiansS. radiansLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
111Sphenolithus spinigerS. spinigerLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
112Syracosphaera pulchraS. pulchraLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
113Toweius eminensT. eminensLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
114Triquetrorhabdulus carinatusT. carinatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
115Triquetrorhabdulus inversusT. inversusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
116Triquetrorhabdulus rugosusT. rugosusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
117Umbilicosphaera mirabilisU. mirabilisLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
118Zygodiscus plectoponsZ. plectoponsLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
119Zygodiscus sigmoidesZ. sigmoidesLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
120Zygrhablithus bijugatusZ. bijugatusLang, Thomas HAbundance estimate
2036 data points

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