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Keller, Gerta; Langseth, Marcus G; von Huene, Roland; Nasu, Noriyuki (2005): Foraminifera abundance of Hole 57-440A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005-02-17DOI registered: 2005-03-17

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Related to:
DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM
Shaffer, Bernard L; Sato, Shunji; Reynolds, Richard A; Moore, George W; Keller, Gerta; Honza, Eiichi; Fujioka, Kantaro; Carson, Bobb; Cadet, Jean-Paul; Bell, Gary D; Barron, John A; Arthur, Michael A; von Huene, Roland; Nasu, Noriyuki (1980): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. U. S. Government Printing Office, LVII, 835 pp + 787 pp,
Further details:
Paleontology data base - background and methods. hdl:10013/epic.32352.d001
Latitude: 39.735500 * Longitude: 143.929000
Date/Time Start: 1977-11-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1977-11-10T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 91.45 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 139.56 m
57-440A * Latitude: 39.735500 * Longitude: 143.929000 * Date/Time: 1977-11-10T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4509.0 m * Penetration: 139.5 m * Recovery: 33.4 m * Location: North Pacific/TRENCH * Campaign: Leg57 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 6 cores; 57 m cored; 9.5 m drilled; 58.6 % recovery
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelKeller, GertaDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Foraminifera, benthicForam benthKeller, Gerta
4PreservationPreservKeller, GertaG=good, M=moderate, P=poor
5StratigraphyStratigraphyKeller, Gerta
6Bolivina seminudaB. seminudaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
7Buliminella exilisB. exilisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
8Cassidulinoides parkerianaC. parkerianaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
9Cassidulina depressaC. depressaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
10Cassidulina islandicaC. islandicaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
11Cassidulina norcrossiC. norcrossiKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
12Cibicidoides aknerianusC. aknerianusKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
13Cibicides sp.Cibicides sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
14Cibicides umbonatusC. umbonatusKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
15Dentalina frobisherensisD. frobisherensisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
16Dentalina leguminiformisD. leguminiformisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
17Eggerella bradyiE. bradyiKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
18Ehrenbergina compressaE. compressaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
19Elphidium sp.Elphidium sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
20Elphidium batialisE. batialisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
21Elphidium clavatumE. clavatumKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
22Elphidium subincertumE. subincertumKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
23Epistominella naraensisE. naraensisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
24Eponides sp.Eponides sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
25Fissurina sp.Fissurina sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
26Fissurina solidaF. solidaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
27Fissurina subformosaF. subformosaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
28Globobulimina auriculataG. auriculataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
29Gyroidina lamarckianaG. lamarckianaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
30Gyroidina orbicularisG. orbicularisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
31Hopkinsina wakimotoensisH. wakimotoensisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
32Lagena elongataL. elongataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
33Lagena striataL. striataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
34Lagena sulcataL. sulcataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
35Melonis pompilioidesM. pompilioidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
36Nodosaria vertebralisN. vertebralisKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
37Nonion labradoricumN. labradoricumKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
38Nonionella sp.Nonionella sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
39Oolina sp.Oolina sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
40Oolina costataO. costataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
41Oolina hexagonaO. hexagonaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
42Oridorsalis teneraO. teneraKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
43Oridorsalis umbonatusO. umbonatusKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
44Planulina wuellerstorfiP. wuellerstorfiKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
45Pseudoglandulina laevigataP. laevigataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
46Pullenia bulloidesP. bulloidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
47Pullenia quinquelobaP. quinquelobaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
48Pullenia sphaeroidesP. sphaeroidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
49Pyrgo vespertilioP. vespertilioKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
50Quinqueloculina sp.Quinqueloculina sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
51Sigmoilina sp.Sigmoilina sp.Keller, GertaAbundance estimate
52Textularia candeinaT. candeinaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
53Uvigerina junceaU. junceaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
54Uvigerina peregrina diruptaU. peregrina diruptaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
55Uvigerina proboscideaU. proboscideaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
56Uvigerina senticosaU. senticosaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
57Globorotalia inflataG. inflataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
58Globorotalia scitulaG. scitulaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
59Globorotalia truncatulinoidesG. truncatulinoidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
60Globigerinoides ruberG. ruberKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
61Globigerinoides sacculiferG. sacculiferKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
62Globigerina bulloidesG. bulloidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
63Globigerina foliataG. foliataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
64Globigerina incomptaG. incomptaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
65Globigerina parabulloidesG. parabulloidesKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
66Globigerina quadrilateraG. quadrilateraKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
67Globigerina quinquelobaG. quinquelobaKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
68Globigerina umbilicataG. umbilicataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
69Globigerinita glutinataG. glutinataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
70Neogloboquadrina dutertreiN. dutertreiKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
71Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextralN. pachyderma dKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
72Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistralN. pachyderma sKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
73Pulleniatina obliquiloculataP. obliquiloculataKeller, GertaAbundance estimate
242 data points

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