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Koppelmann, Rolf; Weikert, Horst (2008): Plankton abundance of mocness net M44/4_D-MOC242 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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DOI registered: 2005-03-16Published: 2008 (exact date unknown)

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Related to:
Koppelmann, Rolf; Weikert, Horst; Halsband-Lenk, Claudia; Jennerjahn, Tim C (2004): Mesozooplankton community respiration and its relation to particle flux in the oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB1039,
Pätzold, Jürgen; Halbach, Peter; Hempel, Gotthilf; Weikert, Horst (2000): Östliches Mittelmeer - Nördliches Rotes Meer 1999, Cruise No. 44, 22 January 1999 - 16 May 1999. METEOR-Berichte, Leitstelle Meteor, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg, 00-3, 245 pp,
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 36949: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes
Median Latitude: 35.014750 * Median Longitude: 26.825583 * South-bound Latitude: 34.968500 * West-bound Longitude: 26.784167 * North-bound Latitude: 35.061000 * East-bound Longitude: 26.867000
Date/Time Start: 1999-04-20T02:25:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-04-20T05:51:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 25 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 1438 m
M44/4_D-MOC242 (242) * Latitude Start: 34.968500 * Longitude Start: 26.867000 * Latitude End: 35.061000 * Longitude End: 26.784167 * Date/Time Start: 1999-04-20T02:25:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-04-20T05:51:00 * Campaign: M44/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Double-MOCNESS, 1 sqm mouth opening (DMOC) * Comment: 0-1450 m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmWeikert, Horst
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmWeikert, Horst
4Sample code/labelSample labelWeikert, Horst
5Sample typeSamp typeWeikert, Horst
6CommentCommentWeikert, Horst
7Sample commentSample commentWeikert, Horstsample fraction
8VolumeVolm3Weikert, Horst
9CyclopoidaCyclopoida#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20sensu lato
10Oithona spp.Oithona spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
11Corycaeus spp.Corycaeus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
12Mormonilla spp.Mormonilla spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
13Sapphirina spp.Sapphirina spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
14Lubbockia aculeataL. aculeata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
15Lubbockia squillimanaL. squillimana#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
16Copilia spp.Copilia spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
17Copilia spp., femaleCopilia spp. f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
18Copilia spp., maleCopilia spp. m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
19Pontoeciella abyssicolaP. abyssicola#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
20Oncaea spp.Oncaea spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
21Pachos spp.Pachos spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
22Ratania spp.Ratania spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
23Copepoda, parasiticCopepoda paras#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
24Macrosetella spp.Macrosetella spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
25Microsetella spp.Microsetella spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
26Aegisthus spp.Aegisthus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
27Clytemnestra spp.Clytemnestra spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
28HarpacticoidaHarpacticoida#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
29Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
30Copepoda, exuviaeCopepoda exuviae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
31CalanoidaCalanoida#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
32Acartia spp.Acartia spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
33AetideidaeAetideidae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
34Aetideidae cf. giesbrechtiiA. cf. giesbrechtii#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
35Euchirella spp.Euchirella spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
36Arietellus spp.Arietellus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
37AugaptilidaeAugaptilidae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
38Haloptilus spp.Haloptilus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
39Haloptilus longicornisH. longicornis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
40Haloptilus acutifronsH. acutifrons#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
41Haloptilus ornatusH. ornatus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
42Euaugaptilus spp.Euaugaptilus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
43Heterohabdus spp.Heterohabdus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
44Candacia spp.Candacia spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
45Candacia spp., femaleCandacia spp. f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
46Candacia spp., maleCandacia spp. m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
47Candacia spp., juvenileCandacia spp. juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
48Centropages spp.Centropages spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
49Calanidae, juvenileCalanidae juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
50Calanus helgolandicusC. helgolandicus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
51Calanus helgolandicus, femaleC. helgolandicus f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
52Calanus helgolandicus, juvenileC. helgolandicus juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
53Calocalanus spp.Calocalanus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
54Clausocalanus spp.Clausocalanus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
55Nannocalanus ssp.Nannocalanus ssp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
56Nannocalanus minorN. minor#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
57Neocalanus spp.Neocalanus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
58Undinula darwiniU. darwini#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
59Undinula vulgarisU. vulgaris#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
60Calanus tenuicornisC. tenuicornis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
61Calanus tenuicornis, femaleC. tenuicornis f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
62Calanus tenuicornis, maleC. tenuicornis m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
63Calanus tenuicornis, juvenileC. tenuicornis juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
64Eucalanus spp.Eucalanus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
65Eucalanus monachusE. monachus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
66Eucalanus monachus, femaleE. monachus f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
67Eucalanus monachus, maleE. monachus m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
68Eucalanus monachus, juvenileE. monachus juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
69Eucalanus attenuatusE. attenuatus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
70Eucalanus attenuatus, femaleE. attenuatus f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
71Eucalanus attenuatus, maleE. attenuatus m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
72Eucalanus attenuatus, juvenileE. attenuatus juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
73Eucalanus elongatusE. elongatus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
74Eucalanus elongatus, femaleE. elongatus f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
75Eucalanus elongatus, juvenileE. elongatus juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
76Eucalanus crassus, femaleE. crassus f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
77Eucalanus crassus, maleE. crassus m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
78Eucalanus crassus, juvenileE. crassus juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
79Euchaeta spp.Euchaeta spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
80Pareuchaeta spp.Pareuchaeta spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
81Lucicutia spp.Lucicutia spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
82Lucicutia clausiL. clausi#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
83Lucicutia clausi, femaleL. clausi f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
84Lucicutia clausi, maleL. clausi m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
85Lucicutia clausi, juvenileL. clausi juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
86Lucicutia longiserrataL. longiserrata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
87Lucicutia longiserrata, femaleL. longiserrata f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
88Lucicutia longiserrata, maleL. longiserrata m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
89Lucicutia longiserrata, juvenileL. longiserrata juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
90Lucicutia flavicornisL. flavicornis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
91Lucicutia flavicornis, femaleL. flavicornis f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
92Lucicutia flavicornis, maleL. flavicornis m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
93Lucicutia flavicornis, juvenileL. flavicornis juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
94Lucicutia geminaL. gemina#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
95Lucicutia gemina, femaleL. gemina f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
96Lucicutia gemina, maleL. gemina m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
97Lucicutia gemina, juvenileL. gemina juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
98Lucicutia curtaL. curta#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
99Lucicutia curta, femaleL. curta f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
100Lucicutia curta, maleL. curta m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
101Lucicutia curta, juvenileL. curta juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
102Lucicutia peraL. pera#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
103Lucicutia pera, femaleL. pera f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
104Lucicutia pera, maleL. pera m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
105Lucicutia pera, juvenileL. pera juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
106Lucicutia ovalisL. ovalis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
107Lucicutia ovalis, femaleL. ovalis f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
108Lucicutia ovalis, maleL. ovalis m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
109Lucicutia ovalis, juvenileL. ovalis juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
110Lucicutia gaussaeL. gaussae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
111Lucicutia gaussae, femaleL. gaussae f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
112Lucicutia gaussae, maleL. gaussae m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
113Lucicutia gaussae, juvenileL. gaussae juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
114Mecynocera clausiM. clausi#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
115Pleuromamma abdominalisP. abdominalis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
116Pleuromamma abdominalis, femaleP. abdominalis f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
117Pleuromamma abdominalis, maleP. abdominalis m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
118Pleuromamma abdominalis, juvenileP. abdominalis juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
119Pleuromamma gracilisP. gracilis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
120Pleuromamma gracilis, femaleP. gracilis f#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
121Pleuromamma gracilis, maleP. gracilis m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
122Pleuromamma gracilis, juvenileP. gracilis juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
123PontellidaePontellidae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
124Pontellina plumataP. plumata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
125Temora styliferaT. stylifera#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
126Spinocalanus magnusS. magnus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
127Spinocalanus oligospinosusS. oligospinosus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20females sometimes mixed with Spinocalanus abyssalis
128Spinocalanus abyssalisS. abyssalis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20females sometimes mixed with Spinocalanus oligospinus
129Mimocalanus heronaeM. heronae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
130Monacilla typicaM. typica#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
131Scaphocalanus spp.Scaphocalanus spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
132Archeoscolecithrix auropectenA. auropecten#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
133Scolecithrix cf. bradyiS. cf. bradyi#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
134Scolecithricella spp.Scolecithricella spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
135Scolecithricella dentataS. dentata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20only females
136Scolecithricella vittataS. vittata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20only females and juveniles, males sporadical
137Scolecithricella, juvenileScolecithricella juv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
138Scolecithrichidae, maleScolecithrichidae m#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20small male
139MedusaeMedu#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
140SiphonophoraSiphon#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
141PolychaetaPolychaeta#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
142Polychaeta, larvaePolychaete larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
143TomopteridaeTomopteridae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
144CladoceraCladocera#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
145OstracodaOstrac#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
146CirripediaCirripedia#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
147Cypris, larvaeCypris larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
148IsopodaIsopoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
149Isopoda, parasiticIsopoda parasitic#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
150MysidaceaMysidacea#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
151AmphipodaAmphipoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
152Amphipoda, HyperiidaeAmphipoda Hyperiidae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
153DecapodaDecapoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
154Decapoda, larvaeDecapoda larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
155Penaeidae, larvaePenaeidae larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
156MolluscaMollusca#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
157HeteropodaHeteropoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
158GastropodaGastrop#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
159CephalopodaCephalopoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
160PteropodaPteropoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
161Creseis spp.Creseis spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
162Styliola spp.Styliola spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
163Styliola subulaS. subula#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
164Limacina inflataL. inflata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
165Limacina trochiformisL. trochiformis#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
166Cavolinia spp.Cavolinia spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
167Clio spp.Clio spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
168Hyalocylis striataH. striata#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
169Peracles spp.Peracles spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
170ChaetognathaChaetognatha#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
171AppendiculariaAppendic#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
172ThaliaceaThaliacea#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
173InsectaInsecta#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
174Fish eggs and larvaeFish eggs and larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
175EuphausiaceaEuphaus#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
176ThysanopodaThysanopoda#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
177Stylocheiron spp.Stylocheiron spp.#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
178Euphausiacea, larvaeEuphaus larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
179Euphausiacea, naupliiEuphaus naup#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
180Bivalvia, larvaeBivalvia larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
181LarvaeLarvae#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
182Actinotrocha, larvaeActinotrocha larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
183Asteriodea, larvaeAsteriodea larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
184Anthozoa, larvaeAnthozoa larv#/m3Weikert, HorstCounting, Stereo Microscope x20
15555 data points

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