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Gombos, Andrew M; Barker, Peter F; Dalziel, Ian W D (2005): Diatom abundance of Hole 36-330A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005-02-15DOI registered: 2005-03-15

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Related to:
DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM
Wise, Sherwood W; von der Borch, Christopher C; Tjalsma, R C; Thompson, Robert W; Tarney, John; Plafker, G; Lonardi, Alberto; Gombos, Andrew M; Elliot, David H; Dinkelman, Menno G; Barker, Peter F; Dalziel, Ian W D (1977): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, U.S. Government Printing Office, XXXVI, 1079 pp,
Further details:
Paleontology data base - background and methods. hdl:10013/epic.32352.d001
Latitude: -50.919800 * Longitude: -46.883300
Date/Time Start: 1974-05-06T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1974-05-06T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.76 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.10 m
36-330A * Latitude: -50.919800 * Longitude: -46.883300 * Date/Time: 1974-05-06T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2626.0 m * Penetration: 53 m * Recovery: 4 m * Location: South Atlantic/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg36 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 1 cores; 9.5 m cored; 38 m drilled; 42.1 % recovery
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelGombos, Andrew MDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Diatom abundanceDiatom abundGombos, Andrew M
4PreservationPreservGombos, Andrew MG=good, M=moderate, P=poor
5Actinoptychus undulatusA. undulatusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
6Actinocyclus curvatulusA. curvatulusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
7Actinocyclus ingensA. ingensGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
8Bogorovia veniaminiB. veniaminiGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
9Brightwellia pulchraB. pulchraGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
10Chaetoceros sp.Chaetoceros sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
11Charcotia actinochilusC. actinochilusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
12Coscinodiscus elliptiporaC. elliptiporaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
13Coscinodiscus endoiC. endoiGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
14Coscinodiscus lentiginosusC. lentiginosusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
15Coscinodiscus marginatusC. marginatusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
16Coscinodiscus vetustissimusC. vetustissimusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
17Coscinodiscus vigilansC. vigilansGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
18Denticula antarcticaD. antarcticaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
19Denticula dimorphaD. dimorphaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
20Denticula lautaD. lautaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
21Ethmodiscus sp.Ethmodiscus sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
22Goniothecium odontellaG. odontellaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
23Grammatophora sp.Grammatophora sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
24Hemidiscus cuneiformisH. cuneiformisGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
25Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
26Hemiaulus altusH. altusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
27Hemiaulus incisusH. incisusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
28Hemiaulus polymorphusH. polymorphusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
29Melosira architecturalisM. architecturalisGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
30Nitzschia kerguelensisN. kerguelensisGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
31Pterotheca aculeiferaP. aculeiferaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
32Pterotheca cariniferaP. cariniferaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
33Pyrgodiscus sp.Pyrgodiscus sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
34Pyrgupyxis eocenaP. eocenaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
35Pyrgupyxis prolungataP. prolungataGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
36Rhaphoneis sp.Rhaphoneis sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
37Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. elongataR. amphiceros var. elongataGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
38Rhaphoneis belgicaR. belgicaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
39Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
40Stephanopyxis grunowiiS. grunowiiGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
41Stephanopyxis grunowiiS. grunowiiGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
42Stephanopyxis schenckiiS. schenckiiGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimateSpecies questionable
43Stephanopyxis superbaS. superbaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
44Stephonopyxis superba bispinosaS. superba bispinosaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
45Stephonopyxis superba trispinosaS. superba trispinosaGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
46Stephanopyxis turrisS. turrisGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
47Stichodiscus californicusS. californicusGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
48Thalassionema nitzschioidesT. nitzschioidesGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
49Thalassiothrix sp.Thalassiothrix sp.Gombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
50Triceratium unguicuilatumT. unguicuilatumGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
51Diatoms indeterminataDiatoms indetGombos, Andrew MAbundance estimate
158 data points

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