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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Traiser, Christopher; Mosbrugger, Volker (2004): ELPA (European Leaf Physiognomic Approach): Leaf physiognomic character scores of 108 European hardwoods [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Traiser, Christopher (2004): Blattphysiognomie als Indikator für Umweltparameter: Eine Analyse rezenter und fossiler Floren (Leaf physiognomy as environmental indicator : An analysis of extant and fossil floras) [dissertation]. Geowissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany, 113 pp, urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-14947

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Scores for dummy variables; score 0: character is not present; score 1: character is present; score 0.5: charcater is present in some leaves and in some not; score 0.5, 0.33, 0.25: leaves shares several characters
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
SpeciesSpeciesTraiser, Christopher
--Traiser, Christopherleaf simple
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf lobed
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf margin entire
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Nanophyll 1
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Leptophyll 1
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Leptophyll 2
--Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Microphyll 1
10 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Microphyll 2
11 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Microphyll 3
12 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Mesophyll 1
13 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Mesophyll 2
14 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf size Mesophyll 3
15 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf apex obutse
16 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf apex acute
17 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf apex emarginate
18 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf base obtuse
19 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf base acute
20 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf base embayed
21 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf length/width ratio < 1:1
22 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf length/width ratio 1-2:1
23 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf length/width ratio 2-3:1
24 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf length/width ratio 3-4:1
25 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf length/width ratio > 4:1
26 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf shape obovate
27 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf shape elliptic
28 --Traiser, ChristopherLeaf physiognomic character scoring (Wolfe, 1993, US Geol Surv Bull 2040:1-71)leaf shape ovate
2916 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:

Ord No


(leaf simple)

(leaf lobed)

(leaf margin entire)

(leaf size Nanophyll 1)

(leaf size Leptophyll 1)

(leaf size Leptophyll 2)

(leaf size Microphyll 1)
(leaf size Microphyll 2)
(leaf size Microphyll 3)
(leaf size Mesophyll 1)
(leaf size Mesophyll 2)
(leaf size Mesophyll 3)
(leaf apex obutse)
(leaf apex acute)
(leaf apex emarginate)
(leaf base obtuse)
(leaf base acute)
(leaf base embayed)
(leaf length/width ratio < 1:1)
(leaf length/width ratio 1-2:1)
(leaf length/width ratio 2-3:1)
(leaf length/width ratio 3-4:1)
(leaf length/width ratio > 4:1)
(leaf shape obovate)
(leaf shape elliptic)
(leaf shape ovate)
1Acer campestre1.
2Acer monspessulanum1.
3Acer opalus1.
4Acer platanoides1.
5Acer pseudoplatanus1.
6Aesculus hippocastanum0.
7Alnus glutinosa1.
8Alnus incana1.
9Alnus viridis1.
10Amelanchier ovalis1.
11Arbutus andrachne1.
12Arbutus unedo1.
13Berberis cretica1.
14Berberis hispanica1.
15Berberis vulgaris1.
16Betula nana1.
17Betula pendula1.
18Betula pubescens1.
19Buxus sempervirens1.
20Carpinus betulus1.
21Carpinus orientalis1.
22Castanea sativa1.
23Celtis australis1.
24Cercis siliquastrum1.
25Clematis vitalba0.
26Cornus mas1.
27Cornus sanguinea1.
28Coronilla emerus0.
29Corylus avellana1.
30Corylus colurna1.
31Cotinus coggygria1.
32Cotoneaster integerrimus1.
33Cotoneaster nebrodensis1.
34Cotoneaster niger1.
35Crataegus laevigata1.
36Crataegus monogyna1.
37Crataegus polyacantha1.
38Daphne laureola1.
39Daphne mezereum1.
40Euonymus europaea1.
41Euonymus latifolia1.
42Fagus sylvatica1.
43Ficus carica1.
44Fraxinus angustifolia0.
45Fraxinus excelsior0.
46Fraxinus ornus0.
47Hedera helix1.
48Hippophae rhamnoides1.
49Ilex aquifolium1.
50Juglans regia0.
51Laurus nobilis1.
52Ligustrum vulgare1.
53Lonicera etrusca1.
54Lonicera periclymenum1.
55Lonicera xylosteum1.
56Myrica gale1.
57Myrtus communis1.
58Nerium oleander1.
59Olea europaea1.
60Ostrya carpinifolia1.
61Phillyrea angustifolia1.
62Phillyrea latifolia1.
63Populus alba1.
64Populus nigra1.
65Populus tremula1.
66Prunus laurocerasus1.
67Prunus lusitanica1.
68Prunus mahaleb1.
69Prunus padus1.
70Prunus spinosa1.
71Punica granatum1.
72Pyrus communis1.
73Quercus cerris1.
74Quercus coccifera1.
75Quercus ilex1.
76Quercus petrea1.
77Quercus pubescens1.
78Quercus robur1.
79Quercus suber1.
80Rhamnus catharticus1.
81Rhamnus frangula1.
82Ribes alpinum1.
83Ribes nigrum1.
84Ruscus aculeatus1.
85Salix alba1.
86Salix caprea1.
87Salix fragilis1.
88Salix pentandra1.
89Salix purpurea1.
90Sambucus nigra0.
91Sambucus racemosa0.
92Sorbus aria1.
93Sorbus aucuparia0.
94Sorbus chamaemespilus1.
95Sorbus domestica0.
96Sorbus intermedia1.
97Sorbus torminalis1.
98Staphylea pinnata0.
99Syringa vulgaris1.
100Tilia cordata1.
101Tilia platyphyllos1.
102Tilia tomentosa1.
103Ulmus glabra1.
104Ulmus laevis1.
105Ulmus minor1.
106Viburnum lantana1.
107Viburnum opulus1.
108Vitis vinifera1.