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OMEX Project Members; Antia, Avan N (2004): Fluxes of sediment trap POS200/7_OMEX3A [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2004-11-02DOI registered: 2005-01-26

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Related to:
OMEX Project Members (1997): Ocean Margin Exchange, OMEX-I project data set (1993-96). Natural Environmental Research Council, published by British Oceanographic Data Center, Bidston Observatory, Birkenhead, Merseyside (2 CD-ROM), hdl:10013/epic.28817.d001
Further details:
Sediment trap - Data documentation. hdl:10013/epic.40703.d008
European Commission (EC), grant/award no. MAS20069: Ocean Margin Exchange Project
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3960056: Ocean Margin Exchange Project / Part 2, Phase 1
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. MAS3970076: Ocean Margin Exchange Project / Part 2, Phase 2
Latitude: 49.094170 * Longitude: -13.428800
Date/Time Start: 1993-07-01T12:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-12-23T12:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 580 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 3260 m
POS200/7_OMEX3A (OMEX3A) * Latitude: 49.094170 * Longitude: -13.428800 * Date/Time Start: 1993-06-26T13:42:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-01-07T12:00:00 * Elevation: -3651.0 m * Campaign: POS200/7 (OMEX) * Basis: Poseidon * Method/Device: Trap, sediment (TRAPS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
3Date/time endDate/time endAntia, Avan N
4Duration, number of daysDurationdaysAntia, Avan N
5Sample code/labelSample labelAntia, Avan N
6δ15N, organic matterδ15N OM‰ airAntia, Avan NMass spectrometry on combusted sampleParticulate total nitrogen (PON) 15N enrichment
7Methlyheptatriaconta-15E,22E-trien-2-one, fluxC37:3 fluxµg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NGas chromatography
8Methylheptatriaconta-15E,22E-dien-2-one, fluxC37:2 fluxµg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NGas chromatography
9Calcium carbonate, fluxCaCO3 fluxmg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NWeight loss on acidification
10Chlorophyll a, fluxChl a fluxmg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography assay of acetone extract
11Flux of total massFlux totmg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NCalculated from dry weight/volume
12Carbon, organic, particulate, flux per hourPOC fluxmg/m2/hAntia, Avan NCarbon/nitrogen analyser
13Opal, fluxbSiO2 fluxmg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NWet-oxidation procedure
14Pheophorbide, fluxPhide fluxµg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography assay of acetone extract
15Phaeopigments, fluxPheop fluxµg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography assay of acetone extract
16Nitrogen, total, fluxN fluxmg/m2/dayAntia, Avan NCarbon/nitrogen analyser
17Diatoms, centrales, cell, fluxDiatom cen cell flux#/m2/dayAntia, Avan NOptical microscopy
18Diatoms, pennales, cell, fluxDiatom pen cell flux#/m2/dayAntia, Avan NOptical microscopy
19Flagellate cell, fluxFlag cell flux#/m2/dayAntia, Avan NOptical microscopy
972 data points

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