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Thouveny, Nicolas (2004): Rock magnetic of sediment core MD95-2040 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2004-10-08DOI registered: 2005-01-30

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Carcaillet, Julien; Bourlès, Didier L; Thouveny, Nicolas; Arnold, Maurice (2004): A high resolution authigenic 10Be/9Be record of geomagnetic moment variations over the last 300 ka from sedimentary cores of the Portuguese margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219(3-4), 397-412,
Moreno, Eva; Thouveny, Nicolas; Delanghe, Doriane; McCave, I Nick; Shackleton, Nicholas J (2002): Climatic and oceanographic changes in the Northeast Atlantic reflected by magnetic properties of sediments deposited on the Portuguese margin during the last 340 ka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 202(2), 465-480,
Thouveny, Nicolas; Carcaillet, Julien; Moreno, Eva; Leduc, Guillaume; Nerini, David (2004): Geomagnetic moment variation and paleomagnetic excursions since 400 kyr BP: a stacked record from sedimentary sequences of the Portuguese margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 219(3-4), 377-396,
Latitude: 40.581833 * Longitude: -9.861167
Date/Time Start: 1995-07-07T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-07-07T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.012 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 35.215 m
MD95-2040 (MD952040) * Latitude: 40.581833 * Longitude: -9.861167 * Date/Time: 1995-07-07T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2465.0 m * Recovery: 35 m * Location: Porto Seamount * Campaign: MD101 (IMAGES I) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1995) * Method/Device: Calypso Corer (CALYPSO) * Comment: XXIV Sections, core bent; section IIb jamed in the bent part of the core, recuperated in 1/2 liner
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPGeocode
3Sample code/labelSample labelThouveny, Nicolas
4Calcium carbonateCaCO3%Thouveny, NicolasElement analyser CHN, LECO
5Sample massSamp mgThouveny, Nicolas
6Susceptibility, specificchi10-9 m3/kgThouveny, NicolasKappabridge
7Susceptibility, specific, carbonate-freechi_cfdm10-9 m3/kgThouveny, NicolasKappabridge
8Isothermal remanent magnetization, Intensity, per unit massInten IRM10-6 A*m2/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicfield: 0.1mT
9Isothermal remanent magnetization, Intensity, per unit massInten IRM10-6 A*m2/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicfield: 0.3mT
10Isothermal remanent magnetization, Intensity, per unit massInten IRM10-6 A*m2/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicfield: 2.8mT
11Thorium-232/Uranium-238 ratio232Th/238UThouveny, NicolasMagnetic Field 0.3T
12Hard isothermal remanent magnetization, Intensity, per unit massInten HIRM10-6 A*m2/kgThouveny, NicolasCalculated: (BIRM 0.3T+IRM 2.8T)/2
13S-ratio (hematite/magnetite)S-rThouveny, NicolasCalculated: (- (BIRM 0.3T / IRM 2.8T)+1)/2
14ARM, Susceptibility, per unit masskappa (ARM)10-9 m3/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicAF=80mT, DF=0.1mT
15ARM, Susceptibility, per unit masskappa (ARM)10-9 m3/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicdemagnetisation: 15mT
16ARM, Susceptibility, per unit masskappa (ARM)10-9 m3/kgThouveny, NicolasMagnetometer, cryogenicdemagnetisation: 30mT
11794 data points

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