Semyonov, Yury P (2004): Light mineral composition of 0.1-0.05 mm grain size fraction of bottom sediments from the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas [dataset]. All-Russian Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, St. Petersburg, PANGAEA,
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Archive of Ocean Data (ARCOD)
Median Latitude: 71.556921 * Median Longitude: 170.711244 * South-bound Latitude: 65.175000 * West-bound Longitude: 129.160000 * North-bound Latitude: 77.316700 * East-bound Longitude: -167.712000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0025 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.7750 m
Don-1959-2 * Latitude: 71.656700 * Longitude: 129.160000 * Elevation: -8.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Campaign: MGE-2 * Basis: Iney * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
Don-1959-4 * Latitude: 72.833300 * Longitude: 140.700000 * Elevation: -7.5 m * Location: East Siberian Sea * Campaign: MGE-2 * Basis: Iney * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
Don-1959-5 * Latitude: 72.883300 * Longitude: 140.876700 * Elevation: -7.5 m * Location: East Siberian Sea * Campaign: MGE-2 * Basis: Iney * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | ||||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | ||||
4 | Elevation of event | Elevation | m | |||
5 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
6 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Semyonov, Yury P | ||
7 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Semyonov, Yury P | ||
8 | Light minerals | LM | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
9 | Quartz | Qz | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
10 | Kalifeldspar | Kfs | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
11 | Microcline | Mc | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
12 | Plagioclase, acid | Pl acid | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
13 | Plagioclase, basic/middle | Pl bas/mid | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
14 | Fragments, chalcedony | Chalcedony fragm | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
15 | Volcanic glass | Volc glass | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
16 | Nonidentified, altered, light | Nonident alt light | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
17 | Muscovite | Ms | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
18 | Biotite | Bt | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
19 | Chlorite | Chl | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
20 | Glauconite | Glt | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
21 | Calcite | Cal | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
22 | Quartz-silica aggregates | Qz-Sil aggr | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
23 | Mica | Mica | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
24 | Leptochlorite | Leptochl | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
25 | Zeolite | Zeo | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
26 | Opal, biogenic silica | bSiO2 | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
27 | Chamosite | Chm | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
28 | Vivianite | Vivianite | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
29 | Scapolite | Scp | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid | |
30 | Clayey-micaceous aggregates | Clay-mica aggr | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
31 | Sum | Sum | % | Semyonov, Yury P | Calculated |
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