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Bruch, Angela A (2004): Miocene palaeoclimate of Ottnang (Austria) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2004-06-08DOI registered: 2005-02-06

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Related to:
Bruch, Angela A (1998): Palynologische Untersuchungen im Oligozän Sloweniens - Paläo-Umwelt und Paläoklima im Ostalpenraum. Tuebinger Mikropalaeontologische Mitteilungen, 18, 193 pp
Hochuli, P A (1978): Palynologische Untersuchungen im Oligozän und Untermiozän der zentralen und westlichen Paratethys. Beiträge zur Paläontologie von Österreich; Sonderdruck, 4, 96 pp
Latitude: 48.110000 * Longitude: 13.660000
Ottnang * Latitude: 48.110000 * Longitude: 13.660000 * Elevation: 560.0 m * Location: Upper Austria * Campaign: NECLIME_campaign * Method/Device: Core drilling (CDRILL)
Estimates are based on pollen flora
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2Age, minimum/youngAge minkaBruch, Angela A
3Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaBruch, Angela A
4EpochEpochBruch, Angela A
5StageStageBruch, Angela ACentral paratethys stages
6Taxa analyzedTaxa anal#Bruch, Angela A
7Temperature, annual mean, minimumMAT min°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
8Temperature, annual mean, maximumMAT max°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
9Temperature, coldest month, minimumCMT min°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
10Temperature, coldest month, maximumCMT max°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
11Temperature, warmest month, minimumWMT min°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
12Temperature, warmest month, maximumWMT max°CBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
13Precipitation, annual mean, minimumMAP minmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
14Precipitation, annual mean, maximumMAP maxmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
15Precipitation, warmest month, minimumWMP minmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
16Precipitation, warmest month, maximumWMP maxmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
17Precipitation of the driest month minimumLMP minmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
18Precipitation of the driest month maximumLMP maxmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
19Precipitation of the wettest month minimumHMP minmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
20Precipitation of the wettest month maximumHMP maxmmBruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
21Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Bruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
22Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Bruch, Angela ACoexistence Approach (Mosbrugger, V & Utescher, T, 1997)
21 data points

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