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Andreeva, Irina A (2004): Light mineral contents in 50-100 µm grain size fraction of bottom sediments from the Core GF1992-138, Barents Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2004-04-28DOI registered: 2005-02-12

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Related to:
Andreeva, Irina A (2001): Light mineral (<2.6 g/cm3; <1.543) contents in 50-100 mym grain size fraction of bottom sediments from the Eastern Arctic seas. unpublished data, Laboratory of Lithology and Mineralogy, Dept. of Lithology and Geochemistry, VNIIOkeangeologia, Sankt-Petersburg
Latitude: 78.887083 * Longitude: 40.412083
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.500 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.500 m
GF1992-138 * Latitude: 78.887083 * Longitude: 40.412083 * Elevation: -240.0 m * Location: Barents Sea * Campaign: GF1992 * Basis: Geolog Fersman * Method/Device: Gravity corer (Russian type) (RGC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmAndreeva, Irina A
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmAndreeva, Irina A
4Light mineralsLM%Andreeva, Irina ASeparation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid
5Light mineral grainsLM grains#Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
6QuartzQz%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
7KalifeldsparKfs%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
8Plagioclase, acidPl acid%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
9Plagioclase, basic/middlePl bas/mid%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
10MuscoviteMs%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
11BiotiteBt%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
12Chlorite, lightChl L%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
13Clayey-micaceous aggregatesClay-mica aggr%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
14LeptochloriteLeptochl%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
15Volcanic glassVolc glass%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
16GlauconiteGlt%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
17Quartz-silica aggregatesQz-Sil aggr%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
18MicroquartzMicroQz%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
19CalciteCal%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
20Carbonate, biogenicCarb biog%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
21DolomiteDol%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
22Nonidentified, altered, lightNonident alt light%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
23ZeoliteZeo%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
24Opal, biogenic silicabSiO2%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
25Iron hydroxidesFe hydrx%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
26Phosphate, biogenicPO4 biog%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
27Micaceous-clayey aggregatesMica-clay aggr%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
28Fragments, coalCoal fragm%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
29Clasts of effusive rocksEffus clst%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
30Fragments, chalcedonyChalcedony fragm%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
31LeucoxeneLeucox%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
32Organic remainsOrg rem%Andreeva, Irina ACounting, Stereo Microscope
33SumSum%Andreeva, Irina ACalculated
32 data points

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