Fisco, P M; Anderson, John B (2004): Grain size analysis of sediment core IO1277.037-PC [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2004-01-20 • DOI registered: 2005-02-12
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Latitude: -66.508000 * Longitude: -0.675000
Date/Time Start: 1977-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1977-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.90 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 9.20 m
IO1277.037-PC * Latitude: -66.508000 * Longitude: -0.675000 * Date/Time: 1977-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4473.0 m * Recovery: 12.75 m * Campaign: IO1277 * Basis: Islas Orcadas * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Sand | Sand | % | Anderson, John B | Grain size, sieving/settling tube | |
3 | Silt | Silt | % | Anderson, John B | Grain size, sieving/settling tube | |
4 | Size fraction < 0.002 mm, clay | <2 µm | % | Anderson, John B | Grain size, sieving/settling tube | |
5 | Grain size, mean | Grain size mean | phi | Anderson, John B | Calculated after FOLK | |
6 | Sorting in phi | Sort p | phi | Anderson, John B | Calculated after FOLK | |
7 | Skewness | Skew | Anderson, John B | Calculated after FOLK | ||
8 | Kurtosis | Kurt | Anderson, John B | Calculated after FOLK |
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77 data points