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Kordikov, Alexander A (2003): Mineral composition of 0.05-0.025 mm grain size fraction of surface bottom sediments from the Laptev Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Kordikov, Alexander A (1952): Laptev Sea sediments. Transactions of NIIGA (Scientific Institute of Arctic Geology), 40, 152 pp
Median Latitude: 75.953080 * Median Longitude: 124.948477 * South-bound Latitude: 72.983300 * West-bound Longitude: 105.016700 * North-bound Latitude: 78.516700 * East-bound Longitude: 139.350000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.010 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.010 m
Kord-10 * Latitude: 77.725000 * Longitude: 106.333300 * Elevation: -142.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Kord-14 * Latitude: 77.333300 * Longitude: 111.941700 * Elevation: -60.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Kord-15 * Latitude: 77.426700 * Longitude: 115.750000 * Elevation: -68.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
6Depth, top/minDepth topmKordikov, Alexander A
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmKordikov, Alexander A
8Light mineralsLM%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
9QuartzQz%Kordikov, Alexander A
10KalifeldsparKfs%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting >125 µm fraction
11Kalifeldspar alteredKfs alt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
12PlagioclasePl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting >125 µm fraction
13Carbonates lightCarb L%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
14Light minerals, sumLM sum%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
15Heavy mineralsHM%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
16HornblendeHbl%Kordikov, Alexander A
17Pyroxene, monoclinicPyrox mon%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
18MagnetiteFe3O4%Kordikov, Alexander A
19GarnetGrt%Kordikov, Alexander A
20IlmeniteIlm%Kordikov, Alexander A
21Hematite, Fe2O3Hem%Kordikov, Alexander A
22EpidoteEp%Kordikov, Alexander A
23ZirconZrn%Kordikov, Alexander A
24ApatiteAp%Kordikov, Alexander A
25TitaniteTtn%Kordikov, Alexander A
26Hornblende, brownHbl brown%Kordikov, Alexander A
27DistheneDisthene%Kordikov, Alexander A
28RutileRt%Kordikov, Alexander A
29ZoisiteZo%Kordikov, Alexander A
30ClinozoisiteCzo%Kordikov, Alexander A
31Pyroxene, rhombicPyrox rhomb%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
32TourmalineTur%Kordikov, Alexander A
33StauroliteSt%Kordikov, Alexander A
34Chlorite in heavy mineral fractionChl HM%Kordikov, Alexander A
35MonaziteMnz%Kordikov, Alexander A
36Opaque nonmetalliferous mineralsOpaque nonmet%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
37AndalusiteAnd%Kordikov, Alexander A
38LimoniteLm%Kordikov, Alexander A
39Opaque mineralsOpaque%Kordikov, Alexander A
40Hornblende, greenHbl green%Kordikov, Alexander A
41Aegirine-augiteAeg-Aug%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
42ActinoliteAct%Kordikov, Alexander A
43AegirineAeg%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
44CorundumCrn%Kordikov, Alexander A
45SpinelSpl%Kordikov, Alexander A
46TopazTpz%Kordikov, Alexander A
47ArfvedsoniteArf%Kordikov, Alexander A
48Hornblende, basalticHbl bas%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
49AnataseAnt%Kordikov, Alexander A
50SillimaniteSil%Kordikov, Alexander A
51Heavy minerals, sumHM sum%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
2752 data points

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