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Tarasov, Gennadiy A (2003): Heavy mineral composition of 0.1-0.05 mm grain size fraction of Barents Sea bottom sediments from the drill core BAVENITE-87 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-12-04DOI registered: 2005-03-17

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Tarasov, Gennadiy A; Pogodina, I A; Khankasaev, V B; Kukina, Natalia A; Mityaev, M V (2000): Processes of Sedimentatoin on the Glacial Shelves. Apatity, 474 pp
Latitude: 70.333300 * Longitude: 34.366700
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.10 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 43.00 m
BAVENITE-87 * Latitude: 70.333300 * Longitude: 34.366700 * Elevation: -265.0 m * Location: Barents Sea * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmKordikov, Alexander A
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmKordikov, Alexander A
4Pyroxene, rhombicPyrox rhomb%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
5AegirineAeg%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
6Hornblende, commonHbl com%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
7Tremolite/ActinoliteTr/Act%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
8Amphibole, alkalineAmp alk%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
9Epidote-zoisiteEp-Zo%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
10OrthitOrthit%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
11ApatiteAp%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
12TourmalineTur%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
13GarnetGrt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
14ZirconZrn%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
15StauroliteSt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
16RutileRt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
17AnataseAnt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
18BrookiteBrk%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
19LeucoxeneLeucox%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
20BiotiteBt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
21ChloriteChl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
22AndalusiteAnd%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
23DistheneDisthene%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
24SillimaniteSil%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
25ChloritoidCld%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
26PicotitePicotite%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
27Black oreBlack ore%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
28TitaniteTtn%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
29Pyrite, FeS2Py%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
30Iron hydroxidesFe hydrx%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
31SideriteSd%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
32Iron-carbonate aggregatesFe-carb aggr%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
33BariteBrt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
34GlauconiteGlt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
35MuscoviteMs%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
36SpinelSpl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
37ChromiteChr%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
38SumSum%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
39TerrigenousTerr%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
40Authigenic mineralsAuth mine%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
507 data points

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