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Lein, Alla Yu; Miller, Yury M; Namsaraev, Bair B; Pimenov, Nikolay V; Rusanov, Igor I; Savvichev, Alexander S; Ivanov, Michael; Pavlova, Galina A (2003): (Table 2) Chemical composition of pore and bottom water of sediments from the core DM49-4395-2 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Lein, Alla Yu; Miller, Yury M; Namsaraev, Bair B; Pimenov, Nikolay V; Rusanov, Igor I; Savvichev, Alexander S; Ivanov, Mikhail V; Pavlova, Galina A (1995): Biogeochemical processes of sulfur turnover in the early stages of sediment diagenesis along the Yenisey River - Kara Sea section. Oceanology, 34, 619-629

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Published: 2003-11-26DOI registered: 2005-02-12

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Latitude: 74.229800 * Longitude: 72.984300
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.065 m
DM49-4395-2 * Latitude: 74.229800 * Longitude: 72.984300 * Elevation: -30.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: DM49 (SPASIBAIII) * Basis: Dmitry Mendeleev * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmLein, Alla Yu
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmLein, Alla Yu
4ChlorineClg/lLein, Alla YuWet chemistry
5Sulfate/Chlorine ratioSO4/ClLein, Alla YuCalculated
6Alkalinity, totalATmmol(eq)/lLein, Alla YuWet chemistry
7Ammonium[NH4]+mg/lLein, Alla YuWet chemistry
8Calcium cationCa2+meq/lLein, Alla YuWet chemistry
9Calcium/Chlorine ratioCa/ClLein, Alla YuCalculated
10Magnesium cationMg2+meq/lLein, Alla YuWet chemistry
11Magnesium/Chlorine ratioMg/ClLein, Alla YuCalculated
12CalciumCammol/lLein, Alla YuCalculated
13MagnesiumMgmmol/lLein, Alla YuCalculated
35 data points

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