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Tarasov, Gennadiy A (2003): Chemical composition of 10% HCl leachable fraction of Barents Sea sediments from the drill core BAVENITE-161 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-11-26DOI registered: 2005-02-12

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Tarasov, Gennadiy A; Pogodina, I A; Khankasaev, V B; Kukina, Natalia A; Mityaev, M V (2000): Processes of Sedimentatoin on the Glacial Shelves. Apatity, 474 pp
Latitude: 73.233300 * Longitude: 65.416700
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.10 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 45.60 m
BAVENITE-161 * Latitude: 73.233300 * Longitude: 65.416700 * Elevation: -93.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmTarasov, Gennadiy A
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmTarasov, Gennadiy A
4Carbon dioxideCO2%Tarasov, Gennadiy ACO2 analyser
5Iron oxide, Fe2O3, fractionatedFe2O3 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryFe2O3 leached by 10% HCl
6Calcium oxide, fractionatedCaO frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryCaO leached by 10% HCl
7Magnesium oxide, fractionatedMgO frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryMgO leached by 10% HCl
8Sum sesquioxides, fractionatedR2O3 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryR2O3 leached by 10% HCl
9Aluminium oxide, fractionatedAl2O3 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryAl2O3 leached by 10% HCl
10Phosphorus pentoxide, fractionatedP2O5 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryP2O5 leached by 10% HCl
11Manganese oxide, fractionatedMnO frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryMnO leached by 10% HCl
12Silicon dioxide, fractionatedSiO2 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistrySiO2 leached by 10% HCl
13Sulfur, fractionated expressed as SO3SO3 frac%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistrySO3 leached by 10% HCl
14Insoluble residueInsol res%Tarasov, Gennadiy AWet chemistryResidue after treatment with 10% HCl
463 data points

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