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Dagg, Michael (2003): Mesozooplankton from bongo tows, abundance and dry weight [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-11-24DOI registered: 2005-02-12

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Related to:
Dagg, Michael (2003): Mesozooplankton from bongo tows, abundance and dry weight. United States JGOFS Process Study Data 1989-1998; CD-ROM volume 1, version 2, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: U.S. JGOFS Data Management Office
Further details:
Dagg, Michael; Urban-Rich, Juanita: Methodology for Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass. US JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study) Data System, Dagg_bongo.htm
Median Latitude: -60.929607 * Median Longitude: -170.143098 * South-bound Latitude: -71.315800 * West-bound Longitude: -174.750000 * North-bound Latitude: -52.987200 * East-bound Longitude: -165.914000
Date/Time Start: 1997-12-05T02:44:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-03-14T23:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 200 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 200 m
KIWI-7/1-5 (12050244) * Latitude: -53.033700 * Longitude: -174.692300 * Date/Time: 1997-12-05T02:44:00 * Location: Southern Ocean * Campaign: KIWI-7 * Basis: Roger A. Revelle * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: Bongo Tow 200m
KIWI-7/1-11 (12051435) * Latitude: -53.026300 * Longitude: -174.662000 * Date/Time: 1997-12-05T14:35:00 * Location: Southern Ocean * Campaign: KIWI-7 * Basis: Roger A. Revelle * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: Bongo Tow 200m
KIWI-7/2-3 (12070143) * Latitude: -56.844300 * Longitude: -170.162500 * Date/Time: 1997-12-07T01:43:00 * Location: Southern Ocean * Campaign: KIWI-7 * Basis: Roger A. Revelle * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: Bongo Tow 200m
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
4Date/Time of eventDate/Time
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
6Rhincalanus gigasR. gigas#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
7Calanus propinquusC. propinquus#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
8Calanoides acutusC. acutus#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
9Neocalanus tonsusN. tonsus#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
10Calanus simillimusC. simillimus#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
11Pleuromamma robustaP. robusta#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
12Metridia spp.Metridia spp.#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
13Oithona spp.Oithona spp.#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
14Ctenocalanus spp.Ctenocalanus spp.#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
15Euphausia superbaE. superba#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
16Copepoda, otherCopepoda oth#/m3Dagg, MichaelCountingincludes nauplii, small stage 1-2 calanus spp., oncaea, harpacticoids, pteropods, larvaceans, chaetognaths and polycheates
17CopepodaCopepoda#/m3Dagg, MichaelCountingincluding nauplii
18MesozooplanktonMesozoopl#/m3Dagg, MichaelCounting
19Rhincalanus gigas, biomass as dry weightR. gigas biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
20Calanus propinquus, biomass as dry weightC. propinquus biom dwmg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
21Calanoides acutus, biomass as dry weightC. acutus biom dwmg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
22Neocalanus tonsus, biomass as dry weightN. tonsus biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
23Calanus simillimus, biomass as dry weightC. simillimus biom dwmg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
24Pleuromamma robusta, biomass as dry weightP. robusta biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
25Metridia spp., biomass as dry weightMetridia spp. biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
26Oithona spp., biomass as dry weightOithona spp. biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
27Ctenocalanus spp., biomass as dry weightCtenocalanus spp. biom dwmg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
28Euphausia superba, biomass as dry weightE. superba biommg/m3Dagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
29Copepoda, other, biomassCopepoda oth Cµg/lDagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volumeincludes nauplii, small stage 1-2 calanus spp., oncaea, harpacticoids, pteropods, larvaceans, chaetognaths and polycheates
30Copepoda, biomass as carbonCopepoda Cµg/lDagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volumeincluding nauplii
31Mesozooplankton, biomass as carbonMesozoopl Cµg/lDagg, MichaelCalculated from dry weight/volume
1441 data points

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