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Schwamborn, Georg; Rachold, Volker; Grigoriev, Mikhail N (2002): Age determinations and sedimentology from Nagyrn, Lena Delta [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schwamborn, G et al. (2002): Late Quaternary Sedimentation History of the Lena Delta. Quaternary International, 89(1), 119-134,

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Related to:
Schwamborn, Georg; Andreev, Andrei A; Rachold, Volker; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Tumskoy, Vladimir; Pavlova, Elena Yu; Dorozhkina, Marina V (2002): Evolution of Lake Nikolay, Arga Island, Western Lena River delta, during Late Pleistocene and Holocene time. Polarforschung, 70, 69-82, hdl:10013/epic.29859.d001
Latitude: 72.880167 * Longitude: 123.208333
Date/Time Start: 1998-08-07T00:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-08-07T00:30:00
Minimum ELEVATION: m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: 11 m a.s.l.
LD98-D06 * Latitude: 72.880167 * Longitude: 123.208333 * Date/Time: 1998-08-07T00:30:00 * Location: Olenyok Channel * Campaign: RU-Land_1998_Lena (Lena-Delta1998) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Sampling permafrost (PERM) * Comment: Permafrost sediments
Ages at elevation of 10.3m; 5.8 m; 4.0 m and 3.4 m are dated by OSL
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Geocode
2Age, datedAge datedkaRachold, VolkerAge, 14C AMS
3Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Rachold, VolkerCalculated
4Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Rachold, VolkerElement analyser CHN, LECO
5Grain size, meanGrain size meanphiRachold, VolkerCalculated after FOLK
6Sorting in phiSort pphiRachold, VolkerCalculated after FOLK
44 data points

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