Schiebel, Ralf; Zeltner, A; Treppke, Ute F; Waniek, Joanna J; Bollmann, Jörg; Rixen, Tim; Hemleben, Christoph (2004): Coccolith counts of multinet SO119_MSN1288 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schiebel, R et al. (2004): Distribution of diatoms, coccolithophores and planktic foraminifers along a trophic gradient during SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 51(3-4), 345-371,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2004-11-17 • DOI registered: 2005-02-12
Latitude: 17.241133 * Longitude: 58.521483
Date/Time Start: 1997-05-26T11:38:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-05-26T11:38:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 20 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 100 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Anoplosolenia brasiliensis | A. brasiliensis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
3 | Anacanthoica cidaris | A. cidaris | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
4 | Anthosphaera fragaria | A. fragaria | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
5 | Anthosphaera periperforata | A. periperforata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
6 | Alisphaera pinnigera | A. pinnigera | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
7 | Acanthoica quattrospina | A. quattrospina | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
8 | Algirosphaera robusta | A. robusta | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
9 | Alisphaera spatula | A. spatula | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
10 | Alisphaera unicornis | A. unicornis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
11 | Acanthoica sp. | Acanthoica sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
12 | Cyrtosphaera aculeata | C. aculeata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
13 | Algirosphaera cucullata | A. cucullata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
14 | Calicasphaera diconstricta | C. diconstricta | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
15 | Corisphaera gracilis | C. gracilis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
16 | Calcidiscus leptoporus | C. leptoporus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
17 | Coronosphaera mediterranea | C. mediterranea | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
18 | Calyptrolithina multipora | C. multipora | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
19 | Calciosolenia murrayi | C. murrayi | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
20 | Calyptrosphaera oblonga | C. oblonga | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
21 | Calyptrolithophora papillifera | C. papillifera | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
22 | Calciopappus rigidus | C. rigidus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
23 | Canistrolithus valliformis | C. valliformis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
24 | Corisphaera sp. | Corisphaera sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
25 | Discosphaera tubifer | D. tubifer | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
26 | Emiliania huxleyi var. huxleyi | E. huxleyi var. huxleyi | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
27 | Florisphaera profunda var. profunda | F. profunda var. profunda | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
28 | Florisphaera profunda | F. profunda | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
29 | Florisphaera profunda var. elongata | F. profunda var. elongata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
30 | Syracosphaera corolla | S. corolla | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
31 | Gladiolithus flabellatus | G. flabellatus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
32 | Gephyrocapsa oceanica | G. oceanica | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
33 | Gephyrocapsa sp. | Gephyrocapsa sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
34 | Helicosphaera carteri var. carteri | H. carteri var. carteri | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
35 | Helicosphaera carteri var. hyalina | H. carteri var. hyalina | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
36 | Helladosphaera cornifera | H. cornifera | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
37 | Homozygosphaera triarcha | H. triarcha | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
38 | Heterococcoliths | Heterococcoliths | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
39 | Holococcoliths | Holococcoliths | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
40 | Coccolithophoridae, other | Coccolith o | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
41 | Michaelsarsia adriaticus | M. adriaticus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
42 | Michelsarsia elegans | M. elegans | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
43 | Oolithotus antillarum | O. antillarum | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
44 | Oolithotus fragilis var. fragilis | O. fragilis var. fragilis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
45 | Ophiaster spp. | Ophiaster spp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
46 | Pappomonas flabellifera | P. flabellifera | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
47 | Polycrater galapagensis | P. galapagensis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
48 | Papposphaera lepida | P. lepida | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
49 | Poricalyptra magnaghii | P. magnaghii | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
50 | Poritectolithus maximus | P. maximus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
51 | Poritectolithus poritectum | P. poritectum | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
52 | Rhabdosphaera clavigera var. stylifera | R. clavigera var. stylifera | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
53 | Reticulofenestra sessilis | R. sessilis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
54 | Rhabdosphaera xiphos | R. xiphos | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
55 | Sphaerocalyptra adenensis | S. adenensis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
56 | Syracosphaera ampliora | S. ampliora | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
57 | Syracosphaera anthos | S. anthos | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
58 | Syracosphaera confusa | S. confusa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
59 | Syracosphaera dilatata | S. dilatata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
60 | Syracosphaera dilatata varia | S. dilatata var | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | var. I |
61 | Syracosphaera epigrosa | S. epigrosa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
62 | Syracosphaera exigua | S. exigua | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
63 | Syracosphaera halldalii | S. halldalii | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
64 | Syracopshaera histrica | S. histrica | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
65 | Syracosphaera lamina | S. lamina | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
66 | Syracosphaera marginiporata | S. marginiporata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
67 | Syracosphaera molischii | S. molischii | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
68 | Syracosphaera nodosa | S. nodosa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
69 | Syracosphaera noroitica | S. noroitica | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
70 | Syracosphaera orbiculus | S. orbiculus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
71 | Syracosphaera ossa | S. ossa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
72 | Syracosphaera pirus | S. pirus | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
73 | Syracosphaera prolongata | S. prolongata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
74 | Syracosphaera pulchra | S. pulchra | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
75 | Syracosphaera rotula | S. rotula | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
76 | Syracosphaera sp. cf. S. epigrosa | Syracosphaera sp. cf. S. epigrosa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
77 | Syracolithus sp. | Syracolithus sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
78 | Syracosphaera spp. | Syracosphaera spp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
79 | Turrilithus latericioides | T. latericioides | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
80 | Umbilicosphaera hulburtiana | U. hulburtiana | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
81 | Umbellosphaera irregularis | U. irregularis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
82 | Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. sibogae | U. sibogae var. sibogae | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths | |
83 | Umbellosphaera tenuis | U. tenuis | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, SEM photos | |
84 | Zygosphaera hellenica | Z. hellenica | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, coccoliths |
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249 data points