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Schiebel, Ralf; Zeltner, A; Treppke, Ute F; Waniek, Joanna J; Bollmann, Jörg; Rixen, Tim; Hemleben, Christoph (2004): Coccolith counts of multinet M32/5_MSN986 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schiebel, R et al. (2004): Distribution of diatoms, coccolithophores and planktic foraminifers along a trophic gradient during SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 51(3-4), 345-371,

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Published: 2004-11-17DOI registered: 2005-02-12

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Latitude: 18.228917 * Longitude: 58.219433
Date/Time Start: 1995-08-06T15:26:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-08-06T15:26:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 60 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 100 m
M32/5_MSN986 (444) * Latitude: 18.228917 * Longitude: 58.219433 * Date/Time: 1995-08-06T15:26:00 * Elevation: -3232.0 m * Location: Arabian Sea * Campaign: M32/5 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
2Anoplosolenia brasiliensisA. brasiliensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
3Anthosphaera periperforataA. periperforata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
4Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#Schiebel, RalfCounting
5Algirosphaera robustaA. robusta#Schiebel, RalfCounting
6Alisphaera unicornisA. unicornis#Schiebel, RalfCounting
7Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporus#Schiebel, RalfCounting
8Coronosphaera mediterraneaC. mediterranea#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
9Calciosolenia murrayiC. murrayi#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
10Calciopappus rigidusC. rigidus#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
11Emiliania huxleyi var. huxleyiE. huxleyi var. huxleyi#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
12Florisphaera profunda var. elongataF. profunda var. elongata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
13Florisphaera profunda var. profundaF. profunda var. profunda#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
14Gephyrocapsa ericsoniiG. ericsonii#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
15Gladiolithus flabellatusG. flabellatus#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
16Gephyrocapsa oceanicaG. oceanica#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
17Gephyrocapsa sp.Gephyrocapsa sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
18Helicosphaera carteri var. carteriH. carteri var. carteri#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
19Helicosphaera carteri var. hyalinaH. carteri var. hyalina#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
20HolococcolithsHolococcoliths#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
21Coccolithophoridae, otherCoccolith o#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
22Michaelsarsia adriaticusM. adriaticus#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
23Michelsarsia elegansM. elegans#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
24Oolithotus antillarumO. antillarum#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
25Oolithotus fragilis var. fragilisO. fragilis var. fragilis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
26Ophiaster spp.Ophiaster spp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
27Papposphaera lepidaP. lepida#Schiebel, RalfCounting
28Rhabdosphaera xiphosR. xiphos#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
29Sphaerocalyptra adenensisS. adenensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
30Syracosphaera exiguaS. exigua#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
31Syracosphaera halldaliiS. halldalii#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
32Syracosphaera laminaS. lamina#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
33Syracosphaera marginiporataS. marginiporata#Schiebel, RalfCounting
34Syracosphaera nodosaS. nodosa#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
35Syracosphaera orbiculusS. orbiculus#Schiebel, RalfCounting
36Syracosphaera pirusS. pirus#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
37Syracosphaera rotulaS. rotula#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
38Syracosphaera spp.Syracosphaera spp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting
39Tetralithoides quadrilaminataT. quadrilaminata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
40Umbilicosphaera hulburtianaU. hulburtiana#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
41Umbellosphaera irregularisU. irregularis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
42Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. foliosaU. sibogae var. foliosa#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
43Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. sibogaeU. sibogae var. sibogae#Schiebel, RalfCounting, coccoliths
84 data points

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