Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel M; Vöge, Ingrid (2003): Thorium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratios measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XVIII/2 (EisenEx) [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
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Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS)
Marine Geochemistry @ AWI (AWI_MarGeoChem)
Median Latitude: -48.158895 * Median Longitude: 20.762149 * South-bound Latitude: -52.000667 * West-bound Longitude: 19.996833 * North-bound Latitude: -45.003167 * East-bound Longitude: 21.228333
Date/Time Start: 2000-10-28T18:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-11-29T20:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 7 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 875 m
PS58/003-1 (CTD1) * Latitude: -45.003167 * Longitude: 19.999833 * Date/Time: 2000-10-28T18:00:00 * Elevation: -4028.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) * Comment: max gear depth: 500 m
PS58/006-1 (CTD4) * Latitude: -52.000667 * Longitude: 19.996833 * Date/Time: 2000-10-31T11:59:00 * Elevation: -3446.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) * Comment: max gear depth: 505 m
PS58/007-1 (CTD6) * Latitude: -49.294167 * Longitude: 20.012500 * Date/Time: 2000-11-01T19:43:00 * Elevation: -4428.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) * Comment: max gear depth: 493 m
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1000 data points