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Kordikov, Alexander A (2003): Mineral composition of 0.25-0.05 mm grain size fraction from Kara Sea sediments [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-10-31DOI registered: 2005-02-13

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Related to:
Kordikov, Alexander A (1953): Kara Sea sediments. Transactions of NIIGA (Scientific Institute of Arctic Geology), 56, 104 pp
Median Latitude: 75.618381 * Median Longitude: 76.836268 * South-bound Latitude: 70.266700 * West-bound Longitude: 51.166700 * North-bound Latitude: 80.666700 * East-bound Longitude: 98.583300
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.004 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.050 m
Kord-70b * Latitude: 78.483300 * Longitude: 64.833300 * Elevation: -364.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Kord-73b * Latitude: 79.633330 * Longitude: 60.666700 * Elevation: -124.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Kord-75b * Latitude: 79.933300 * Longitude: 65.550000 * Elevation: -453.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
6Depth, top/minDepth topmKordikov, Alexander A
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmKordikov, Alexander A
8QuartzQz%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
9KalifeldsparKfs%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
10PlagioclasePl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
11Fragments, chalcedonyChalcedony fragm%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
12Volcanic glassVolc glass%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
13Nonidentified, altered, lightNonident alt light%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
14Mica, in light mineral fractionMica L%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
15Light minerals, sumLM sum%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
16EpidoteEp%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
17HornblendeHbl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
18PyroxenePyrox%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
19GarnetGrt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
20ApatiteAp%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
21ZirconZrn%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
22RutileRt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
23TitaniteTtn%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
24AnataseAnt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
25Mica in heavy mineral fractionMica HM%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
26Chlorite in heavy mineral fractionChl HM%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
27Carbonates in heavy mineral fractionCarb HM%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
28DistheneDisthene%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
29StauroliteSt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
30ChromspinelChromspl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
31ChloritoidCld%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
32TremoliteTr%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
33AegirineAeg%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
34Hornblende, alkalineHbl alk%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
35TourmalineTur%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
36GlauconiteGlt%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
37Opaque mineralsOpaque%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
38SpinelSpl%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
39Hornblende, basalticHbl bas%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
40SerpentineSrp%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
41AndalusiteAnd%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
42MagnetiteFe3O4%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
43LimoniteLm%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
44AggregatesAgg%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
45Nonidentified, altered, heavyNonident alt heavy%Kordikov, Alexander ACounting, Stereo Microscope
46Heavy minerals, sumHM sum%Kordikov, Alexander ACalculated
2612 data points

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