Pavlidis, Yury A (2003): Mineral composition of 0.1-0.05 mm size fraction of sediment core PS-1411 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Pavlidis, Yury A; Kalinenko, Valery V; Aksenov, Andrey A; Aibulatov, Nikolaj A (2003): Mineral composition of 356 sediment profiles from the Arctic seas [dataset publication series]. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, PANGAEA,
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Archive of Ocean Data (ARCOD)
Latitude: 69.071700 * Longitude: 56.011700
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.020 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.020 m
PS-1411 * Latitude: 69.071700 * Longitude: 56.011700 * Elevation: -12.0 m * Location: Arctic * Campaign: PS-16 * Basis: Professor Shtokman * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Pavlidis, Yury A | ||
3 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Pavlidis, Yury A | ||
4 | Aegirine | Aeg | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
5 | Almandine | Alm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
6 | Anatase | Ant | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
7 | Andalusite | And | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
8 | Apatite | Ap | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
9 | Arfvedsonite | Arf | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
10 | Asbestos | Asbst | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
11 | Ash, volcanic | Volc ash | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
12 | Barite | Brt | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
13 | Biotite in heavy mineral fraction | Bt HM | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
14 | Biotite, light | Bt L | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
15 | Black ore | Black ore | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
16 | Brookite | Brk | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
17 | Carbonate, biogenic | Carb biog | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
18 | Carbonates in heavy mineral fraction | Carb HM | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
19 | Carbonates light | Carb L | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
20 | Cassiterite | Cst | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
21 | Chlorite in heavy mineral fraction | Chl HM | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
22 | Chlorite, light | Chl L | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
23 | Chloritoid | Cld | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
24 | Chromspinel | Chromspl | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
25 | Corundum | Crn | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
26 | Diatoms | Diatoms | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
27 | Disthene | Disthene | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
28 | Epidote | Ep | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
29 | Feldspar | Fsp | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
30 | Fluorite | Fl | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
31 | Fragments, chalcedony | Chalcedony fragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
32 | Fragments, chloritized | Chloritized fragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
33 | Fragments, coal | Coal fragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
34 | Fragments, limonitized | Limonitized fragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
35 | Fragments, oxidized | Oxidfragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
36 | Fragments, palagonitized | Palagon fragm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
37 | Garnet | Grt | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
38 | Glauconite | Glt | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
39 | Glaucophane | Gln | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
40 | Grains, colorless | Colorless grains | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
41 | Grossular | Grs | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
42 | Gypsum | Gp | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
43 | Heavy mineral grains | HM grains | # | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
44 | Heavy minerals, sum | HM sum | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Calculated | |
45 | Hornblende, basaltic | Hbl bas | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
46 | Hornblende, common | Hbl com | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
47 | Iron hydroxides | Fe hydrx | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
48 | Leucoxene | Leucox | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
49 | Light mineral grains | LM grains | # | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
50 | Light minerals, sum | LM sum | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Calculated | |
51 | Magnetite | Fe3O4 | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
52 | Microcline | Mc | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
53 | Monazite | Mnz | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
54 | Muscovite | Ms | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
55 | Nonidentified, altered, heavy | Nonident alt heavy | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
56 | Nonidentified, altered, light | Nonident alt light | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
57 | Olivine | Ol | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
58 | Opal, biogenic silica | bSiO2 | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Double leaching by 5% Na2CO3 | |
59 | Orthit | Orthit | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
60 | Phosphate, biogenic | PO4 biog | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
61 | Piemontite | Pmt | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
62 | Plagioclase, acid | Pl acid | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
63 | Plagioclase, basic | Pl bas | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
64 | Plagioclase, basic/middle | Pl bas/mid | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
65 | Pyrite, FeS2 | Py | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
66 | Pyrite/Marcasite | Py/Mrc | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
67 | Pyroxene, monoclinic | Pyrox mon | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
68 | Pyroxene, rhombic | Pyrox rhomb | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
69 | Quartz | Qz | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
70 | Ramsayite | Rmst | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
71 | Rutile | Rt | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
72 | Serpentine | Srp | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
73 | Shorlomite | Shorl | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
74 | Siderite | Sd | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
75 | Sillimanite | Sil | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
76 | Spherules, magnetic | Magnet spher | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
77 | Spinel | Spl | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
78 | Sponge spiculae | Sponge spic | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
79 | Staurolite | St | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
80 | Titanite | Ttn | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
81 | Tourmaline | Tur | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
82 | Tremolite/Actinolite | Tr/Act | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
83 | Volcanic glass | Volc glass | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
84 | Volcanic glass, acidic | Volc glass acidic | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
85 | Volcanic glass, mafic | Volc glass mafic | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
86 | Xenotime | Xtm | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
87 | Zeolite | Zeo | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope | |
88 | Zircon | Zrn | % | Pavlidis, Yury A | Counting, Stereo Microscope |
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87 data points