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Gardner, Wilford; Morrison, John M (2003): Mixed layer depths [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-09-10DOI registered: 2005-02-17

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Related to:
Gardner, Wilford; Gundersen, Jens K; Morrison, John M (2003): Mixed layer depths. United States JGOFS Process Study Data 1989-1998; CD-ROM volume 1, version 2, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: U.S. JGOFS Data Management Office
Further details:
Gardner, Wilford (1997): Notes about mixed layer depths. US JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study) Data System, Gardner_mixed.htm
Median Latitude: 16.957270 * Median Longitude: 62.708547 * South-bound Latitude: 9.911000 * West-bound Longitude: 56.485800 * North-bound Latitude: 24.332900 * East-bound Longitude: 68.784900
Date/Time Start: 1995-01-08T15:34:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-12-26T13:55:00
TT043_1-1 (1995_01081534 CTD-1 4300101) * Latitude: 22.379700 * Longitude: 59.879000 * Date/Time: 1995-01-08T15:34:00 * Location: Arabian Sea * Campaign: TT043 * Basis: Thomas G. Thompson * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
TT043_2-1 (1995_01090209 CTD-2 4300201) * Latitude: 22.482600 * Longitude: 61.184900 * Date/Time: 1995-01-09T02:09:00 * Location: Arabian Sea * Campaign: TT043 * Basis: Thomas G. Thompson * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
TT043_2-4 (1995_01090629 CTD-3 4300204) * Latitude: 22.483000 * Longitude: 61.183100 * Date/Time: 1995-01-09T06:29:00 * Location: Arabian Sea * Campaign: TT043 * Basis: Thomas G. Thompson * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Mixed layer depthMLDmGardner, Wilfordbased on a 0.1 deg C change in temperature
5Mixed layer depthMLDmGardner, Wilfordbased on a 0.5 deg C change in temperature
6Mixed layer depthMLDmMorrison, John Mbased on a 0.03 kg/m**3 change in density
7Mixed layer depthMLDmMorrison, John Mbased on a 0.05 kg/m**3 change in density
8Mixed layer depthMLDmMorrison, John Mbased on a 0.125 kg/m**3 change in density
9Mixed layer depthMLDmMorrison, John Mbased on a 0.25 kg/m**3 change in density
4290 data points

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