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Keller, Gerta; MacLeod, Norman D; Lyons, J B; Officer, C B (1993): (Table 3) Relative percent abundance of planktic Foraminifera at DSDP Site 10-95, Paleocene [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Keller, G et al. (1993): Is there evidence for Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary-age deep-water deposits in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico? Geology, 21(9), 776-780,;2

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Latitude: 24.150000 * Longitude: -86.397500
Date/Time Start: 1970-03-27T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1970-03-27T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 395.80 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 396.73 m
10-95 * Latitude: 24.150000 * Longitude: -86.397500 * Date/Time: 1970-03-27T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1633.0 m * Penetration: 463 m * Recovery: 118.1 m * Location: Gulf of Mexico/SCARP * Campaign: Leg10 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 22 cores; 170 m cored; 0 m drilled; 69.5 % recovery
Also examined samples: 10-95-12-4,72, 10-95-12-4,144, 10-95-13-1,63, Danian assemblage Zone P1c. 10-95-13-2,106, dissolution, mostly benthics present. 10-95-13-3,100, Middle Maastrichtian G. aegyptiaca Zone (G. conica, G. arca, G. stuarti, G. stuartiformis, R. fomicata, G. ventricosa, G. linneiana, G. havanensis, H. carinata, V. multicamerata, G, aspera, Gublerina robusta, H. dentata, P. elegans).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelKeller, GertaDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Chiloguembelina midwayensisC. midwayensis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
4Chiloguembelina waiparaensisC. waiparaensis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
5Woodringina claytonensisW. claytonensis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
6Woodringina hornerstownensisW. hornerstownensis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
7Eoglobigerina danicaE. danica%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
8Eoglobigerina editaE. edita%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
9Eoglobigerina eobulloidesE. eobulloides%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
10Eoglobigerina fodinaE. fodina%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
11Eoglobigerina simplicissimaE. simplicissima%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
12Globanomalina pentagonaG. pentagona%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
13Globanomalina tauricaG. taurica%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
14Globanomalina eugubina-taurica trans.G. eugubina-taurica trans.%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
15Globoconusa conusaG. conusa%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
16Globoconusa daubjergensisG. daubjergensis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
17Guembelitria cretaceaG. cretacea%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
18Guembelitria danicaG. danica%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
19Guembelitria irregularisG. irregularis%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
20Guembelitria trifoliaG. trifolia%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
21Parvularugoglobigerina eugubinaP. eugubina%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
22Parvularugoglobigerina longiaperturaP. longiapertura%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
23Planorotalites compressusP. compressus%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
24Subbotina moskviniS. moskvini%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
25Subbotina pseudobulloidesS. pseudobulloides%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
26Subbotina triloculinoidesS. triloculinoides%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
27Pseudoguembelina costulataP. costulata%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
28Globigerinelloides asperaG. aspera%Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
29Specimen countSp count#Keller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
30Planktic foraminifera zonePlank foram zoneKeller, GertaCounting >63 µm fraction
31Sample typeSamp typeKeller, Gerta
150 data points

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