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Horigome, Mariana Tatsumi; Ziveri, Patrizia; Grelaud, Michaël; Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Marino, Gianluca; Mortyn, P G (2014): Environmental controls on the Emiliania huxleyi calcite mass [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Horigome, MT et al. (2014): Environmental controls on the Emiliania huxleyi calcite mass. Biogeosciences, 11(8), 2295-2308,

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Although ocean acidification is expected to impact (bio)calcification by decreasing the seawater carbonate ion concentration, [CO3]2-, there exists evidence of non-uniform response of marine calcifying plankton to low seawater [CO3]2-. This raises questions on the role of environmental factors other than acidification and on the complex physiological responses behind calcification. Here we investigate the synergistic effect of multiple environmental parameters, including temperature, nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) availability, and seawater carbonate chemistry on the coccolith calcite mass of the cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, the most abundant species in the world ocean. We use a suite of surface (late Holocene) sediment samples from the South Atlantic and southwestern Indian Ocean taken from depths lying well above the modern lysocline. The coccolith calcite mass in our results presents a latitudinal distribution pattern that mimics the main oceanographic features, thereby pointing to the potential importance of phosphorus and temperature in determining coccolith mass by affecting primary calcification and possibly driving the E. huxleyi morphotype distribution. This evidence does not necessarily argue against the potentially important role of the rapidly changing seawater carbonate chemistry in the future, when unabated fossil fuel burning will likely perturb ocean chemistry beyond a critical point. Rather our study highlights the importance of evaluating the combined effect of several environmental stressors on calcifying organisms to project their physiological response(s) in a high CO2 world and improve interpretation of paleorecords.
Calcification/Dissolution; Chromista; Emiliania huxleyi; Field observation; Haptophyta; Indian Ocean; Open ocean; Pelagos; Phytoplankton; Single species; South Atlantic; Temperate; Tropical
Further details:
Lavigne, Héloïse; Epitalon, Jean-Marie; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2014): seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.0 [webpage].
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 265103: Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate
Median Latitude: -28.808414 * Median Longitude: 2.909865 * South-bound Latitude: -53.220000 * West-bound Longitude: -24.248300 * North-bound Latitude: 1.790000 * East-bound Longitude: 40.868333
Date/Time Start: 1989-03-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-01-05T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -5262.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -1017.0 m
CD154-01-1K * Latitude: -29.290000 * Longitude: 33.140000 * Elevation: -1997.0 m * Campaign: CD154 * Basis: Charles Darwin
CD154-02-3K * Latitude: -29.060000 * Longitude: 32.770000 * Date/Time: 2003-01-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1626.0 m * Recovery: 2.42 m * Location: Agulhas Current * Campaign: CD154 * Basis: Charles Darwin * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL)
CD154-03-5K * Latitude: -29.120000 * Longitude: 32.890000 * Date/Time: 2003-12-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1747.0 m * Recovery: 1.2 m * Location: Agulhas Current * Campaign: CD154 * Basis: Charles Darwin * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL)
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne et al, 2014) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI). The date of carbonate chemistry calculation is 2014-05-06.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Sample code/labelSample labelHorigome, Mariana Tatsumi
3SpeciesSpeciesHorigome, Mariana Tatsumi
4Cluster typeClusterGrelaud, MichaëlHierarchical cluster analysis (HCA)
5Sedimentation rateSRcm/kaGrelaud, Michaëlextracted from (1) Mollenhauer et al. (2004), (2) Jonkers et al. (2012), (3) Martínez-Méndez, et al. (2010)
6Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaGrelaud, Michaëlextracted from (2) Jonkers et al. (2012) or estimated from the sedimentation rates
7LengthlµmHorigome, Mariana TatsumiEstimated by measuring brightness in cross-polarized light (birefringence)
8WidthwµmHorigome, Mariana TatsumiEstimated by measuring brightness in cross-polarized light (birefringence)
9MassMasspgHorigome, Mariana TatsumiEstimated by measuring brightness in cross-polarized light (birefringence)
10Mass, standard deviationMass std dev±Horigome, Mariana TatsumiEstimated by measuring brightness in cross-polarized light (birefringence)
11Temperature, water, interpolatedTemp interp°CGrelaud, Michaël0 m and 50 m, extracted from the World Ocean Atlas
12Salinity, interpolatedSal interpGrelaud, Michaël0 m and 50 m, extracted from the World Ocean Atlas
13Nitrate, in water, interpolatedNO3 interpµmol/lGrelaud, Michaël0 m and 50 m, extracted from the WOCE Global Hydrographic Climatology database (Gouretski and Koltermann, 2004)
14Phosphate, in water, interpolatedPO4 interpµmol/lGrelaud, Michaël0 m and 50 m, extracted from the WOCE Global Hydrographic Climatology database (Gouretski and Koltermann, 2004)
15Chlorophyll a, interpolatedChl a interpmg/m3Grelaud, Michaëlextracted from the Seaviewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS) project ( The data were processed using SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS, Baith et al., 2001).
16pHpHGrelaud, MichaëlCalculated using CO2SYStotal scale, the modern total alkalinity and total dissolved carbon data were extracted from the Global Alkalinity and Total Dissolved Carbon Estimates database (Goyet et al., 2000). We used the Anthropogenic CO2 dataset from the GLODAP website ( to correct the total dissolved carbon values from the anthropogenic "footprint"; the values of the anthropogenic CO2 were removed from those of the total dissolved carbon. Finally, we used the total alkalinity and the corrected total dissolved carbon to calculate the pH, the [CO32-], and the pCO2 in seawater, using CO2sys (Lewis and Wallace, 1998).
17Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmGrelaud, MichaëlCalculated using CO2SYSThe modern total alkalinity and total dissolved carbon data were extracted from the Global Alkalinity and Total Dissolved Carbon Estimates database (Goyet et al., 2000). We used the Anthropogenic CO2 dataset from the GLODAP website ( to correct the total dissolved carbon values from the anthropogenic "footprint"; the values of the anthropogenic CO2 were removed from those of the total dissolved carbon. Finally, we used the total alkalinity and the corrected total dissolved carbon to calculate the pH, the [CO32-], and the pCO2 in seawater, using CO2sys (Lewis and Wallace, 1998).
18Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgGrelaud, MichaëlCalculated using CO2SYSThe modern total alkalinity and total dissolved carbon data were extracted from the Global Alkalinity and Total Dissolved Carbon Estimates database (Goyet et al., 2000). We used the Anthropogenic CO2 dataset from the GLODAP website ( to correct the total dissolved carbon values from the anthropogenic "footprint"; the values of the anthropogenic CO2 were removed from those of the total dissolved carbon. Finally, we used the total alkalinity and the corrected total dissolved carbon to calculate the pH, the [CO32-], and the pCO2 in seawater, using CO2sys (Lewis and Wallace, 1998).
19Carbonate system computation flagCSC flagYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
20Carbon dioxideCO2µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
21Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)fCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
22Bicarbonate ion[HCO3]-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
23Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
24Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
25Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
26Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
27Calcite saturation stateOmega CalYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
3410 data points

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