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Kaiser, Knut; Miehe, Georg; Barthelmes, Alexandra; Ehrmann, Otto; Scharf, Andreas; Schult, Manuela; Schlütz, Frank; Adamczyk, Sonja; Frenzel, Burkhard (2008): (Appendix 7) Pollen analysis of soil profiles obtained in the Nagqu area [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Kaiser, K et al. (2008): Turf-bearing topsoils on the central Tibetan Plateau, China: Pedology, botany, geochronology. CATENA, 73(3), 300-311,

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Median Latitude: 31.633020 * Median Longitude: 92.314945 * South-bound Latitude: 31.316220 * West-bound Longitude: 91.482640 * North-bound Latitude: 31.862970 * East-bound Longitude: 93.091690
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.040 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.260 m
NAQ_3 * Latitude: 31.764610 * Longitude: 92.629890 * Elevation: 4572.0 m * Location: Tibet * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL)
NAQ_7 * Latitude: 31.862970 * Longitude: 93.091690 * Elevation: 4484.0 m * Location: Tibet * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL)
NAQ_18 * Latitude: 31.588280 * Longitude: 91.482640 * Elevation: 4568.0 m * Location: Tibet * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL)
Please note that since too few pollen were found that would allow the calculation of a statistically reliable pollen sum, data are given in concentration values (= ratio of taxon counted to Lycopodium spores based on standard volume) / 1000**3. Taxa determined according to Beug (2004), Moore et al. (1991) and Punt et al. (1988).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Depth, top/minDepth topmKaiser, Knut
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmKaiser, Knut
4DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
5Adonis aestivalis-typeAdn.a-T#Kaiser, Knut
6AlnusAln#Kaiser, Knut
7Apiaceae undifferentiatedApi.ud#Kaiser, Knut
8ArtemisiaArt#Kaiser, Knut
9Aster-typeAst-T#Kaiser, Knut
10BetulaBet#Kaiser, Knut
11Caryophyllaceae undifferentiatedCphae.ud#Kaiser, Knut
12Plant remainsPlant rem#Kaiser, Knutcasing with pattern
13cf. Alternariacf. Alternaria#Kaiser, Knut
14Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. double-sphere
15cf. Fallopia convolvulus-typecf. F. convolvulus-T#Kaiser, Knut
16cf. Polygonum bistorta-typecf.Pol.b-T#Kaiser, Knut
17Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. type 3A (ascospore)
18Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. type 19 (ascospore)
19Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. type 19 (ascospore) cluster
20Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. type 55B (spore)
21Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knutcf. type 130 (Spirogyra spore)
22cf. Ustilago reticulatacf. U. reticulata#Kaiser, Knut
23CharcoalCharcoal#Kaiser, Knut<25 µm
24CharcoalCharcoal#Kaiser, Knut25-100 µm
25CharcoalCharcoal#Kaiser, Knut>100 µm
26ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Kaiser, Knutincluding Caryophyllaceae
27CyperaceaeCypae#Kaiser, Knut
28CyperaceaeCypae#Kaiser, Knutcluster
29Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 3
30Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 5
31Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 6
32Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 7
33Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 9
34Fungal sporesFung.spo#Kaiser, Knuttype 124
35Hornungia-typeHog-T#Kaiser, Knut
36Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Kaiser, Knut
37SporesSpo#Kaiser, KnutLabyrint-type
38LactuceaeLactuceae#Kaiser, Knut
39LactuceaeLactuceae#Kaiser, Knutcluster
40RosaceaeRosae#Kaiser, Knutnon-operculate
41Papaver rhoeas-typePap.h-T#Kaiser, Knutincluding caltha-type
42PinusPin#Kaiser, Knut
43PinusPin#Kaiser, Knuthalf
44Polygonum bistorta-typePol.b-T#Kaiser, Knut
45PolypodialesPoles#Kaiser, Knutmonolet incomplet
46Sinapis-typeSin-T#Kaiser, Knut
47SporesSpo#Kaiser, Knutcasing
48Stachys sylvatica-typeSta.s-T#Kaiser, Knut
49ThalictrumTha#Kaiser, Knut
50IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 1A (Gelasinospora spec.)
51IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 52 (animal hair)
52IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 55A (Sordaria type, ascospores)
53IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 126 (Gaeumannomyces spec.)
54IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 140 (Valsaria variospore type)
55IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 172 (Coniochaeta cf. lignaria)
56IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 207 (Glomus)
57IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 263 (Valsaria type)
58IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 263 (Valsaria type) cluster
59IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 352 (Arcella type)
60IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype 353B (Micodelyellia armigera)
61IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knuttype double-sphere
62IndeterminataIndet#Kaiser, Knutwild grass group
660 data points

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