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Wendler, Jens E; Gräfe, Kai-Uwe; Willems, Helmut (2002): Calcareous dinocysts along profile Ruegen [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Wendler, JE et al. (2002): Palaeoecology of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in the mid-Cenomanian Boreal Realm - Implications for the reconstruction of palaeoceanography of the NW European shelf sea. Cretaceous Research, 23, 213-229,

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Oder Estuary
Related to:
Wendler, Jens E (2001): Reconstruction of astronomically-forced cyclic and abrupt paleoecological changes in the upper cretaceous boreal realm based on calcareous dinoflagellate cysts. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 183, 149 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-diss000001986
Latitude: 54.594200 * Longitude: 13.418800
Minimum DISTANCE: 39510 cm * Maximum DISTANCE: 39820 cm
Ruegen * Latitude: 54.594200 * Longitude: 13.418800 * Method/Device: Rotary core drilling (RCD)
Abundances are given in cysts/milligram.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2Sample code/labelSample labelWendler, Jens E
3PreservationPreservWendler, Jens EEstimated
4Pithonella sphaericaP. sphaerica#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cysts
5Pithonella ovalisP. ovalis#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cysts
6Pentadinellum vimineumP. vimineum#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cysts
7Pirumella sp.Pirumella sp.#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cysts
8Pirumella echinosaP. echinosa#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cysts
9Dinoflagellate cyst, calcareousDinofl cyst calc#Wendler, Jens ECounting, dinoflagellate cystsGrobplattige
10Total countsTotal counts#Wendler, Jens E
135 data points

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