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Harwood, David M; Bohaty, Steven M (2001): (Table 2) Relative abundance and occurence for selected siliceous microfossil taxa of sediment core CRP-3 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Harwood, DM; Bohaty, SM (2001): Early Oligocene siliceous microfossil biostratigraphy of Cape Roberts Project Core CRP-3, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 8(4), 315-338, hdl:10013/epic.28239.d001

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Latitude: -77.006000 * Longitude: 163.719000
Date/Time Start: 1999-10-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.855 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 195.585 m
CRP-3 * Latitude: -77.006000 * Longitude: 163.719000 * Date/Time Start: 1999-10-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-11-19T00:00:00 * Elevation: -295.0 m * Penetration: 939 m * Recovery: 936 m * Location: Ross Sea * Campaign: CRP-3 * Basis: Sampling/drilling from ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: 11.76 km at 76° true from Cape Roberts, 2.04 km at 225° true from CRP-2. Fast ice thickness: 2.0 to 2.2 m. Sea rise embedded to 9.55 mbsf. Lateral ice movement from spudding 5.0 m to 82° true. HQ core to 345.85 mbsf. NQ core to 939.42 mbsf. Core recovery 97%. Phase 1 logging to 345 mbsf, Phase 2 logging to 773 mbsf, Phase 3 logging to 918 mbsf. Deepest Cenozoic lithology and depth: sandstone breccia from 822.87 to 823.11 mbsf. Age of oldest Cenozoic strata: earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene. Deepest core lithology and depth: light red-brown quartz-cemented quartz sandstone to 939.42 mbsf. Age of bedrock: (mid?) Devonian.
r = Reworked: rare occurence of a taxon noted and interpreted as reworked; fr = Fragment: rare fragment(s) of the taxon present; X = Present: complete specimens rare (=< 1 per traverse); R = Rare: 1 specimen in 5-30 fields of view; F = Frequent: 1 specimen in 2-5 fileds of view; C = Common: 1 specimen per field of view; A = Abundant: => 2 specimens per field of view
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmHarwood, David M
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmHarwood, David M
4EcologyEcologyHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
5Species richnessSHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
6Actinoptychus senariusA. senariusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
7Anaulus sp.Anaulus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
8Arachnoidiscus spp.Arachnoidiscus spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
9Asterolampra punctiferaA. punctiferaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
10Asteromphalus oligocaenicusA. oligocaenicusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
11Aulacodiscus spp.Aulacodiscus spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
12Biddulphia tuomeyiB. tuomeyiHarwood, David MAbundance estimategroup
13Biddulphia sp.Biddulphia sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. A
14Cavitatus jouseanusC. jouseanusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
15Cavitatus sp.Cavitatus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatecf. C. miocenicus
16Chaetoceros spp.Chaetoceros spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimategroups A, B,C
17Chaetoceros sp.Chaetoceros sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
18Chaetoceros, resting sporesChaetoceros rsHarwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. A
19Chaetoceros panduraeformisC. panduraeformisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
20Cocconeis spp.Cocconeis spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
21Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
22Diploneis spp.Diploneis spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
23Eurossia irregularisE. irregularisHarwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. irregularis
24Goniothecium decoratumG. decoratumHarwood, David MAbundance estimateGenus et sp. indet
25Goniothecium odontellaG. odontellaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
26Grammatosphora sp.Grammatosphora sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
27Hemiaulus dissimilisH. dissimilisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
28Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatecf. mitra
29Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. B
30Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. D
31Hemiaulus polycystinorumH. polycystinorumHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
32Hemiaulus rectus var. twistaH. rectus var. twistaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
33Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. A
34Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. B
35Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. D
36Isthumia spp.Isthumia spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
37Kannoa hastataK. hastataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
38Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. C
39Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. D
40Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. F
41Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. G
42Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. H
43Liradiscus ovalisL. ovalisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
44Navicula spp.Navicula spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable
45Odontella finbriataO. finbriataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
46Paralia sol var. marginalisP. sol var. marginalisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
47Paralia sulcataP. sulcataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
48Psammodiscus sp.Psammodiscus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
49Pseudopyxilla americanaP. americanaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
50Pseudotriceratium radiosoreticulatumP. radiosoreticulatumHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
51Pterotheca sp.Pterotheca sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable, var. A
52Pterotheca sp.Pterotheca sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable, var. B
53Pterotheca sp.Pterotheca sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable, var. C
54Pterotheca sp.Pterotheca sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable, var. D
55Pyrgupyxis eocemaP. eocemaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
56Pyxilla johnsonianaP. johnsonianaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
57Pyxilla reticulataP. reticulataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
58Radialiplicata clavigeraR. clavigeraHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
59Rhabdonema japonicumR. japonicumHarwood, David MAbundance estimategroup
60Rhabdonema sp.Rhabdonema sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
61Rhizosolenia antarcticaR. antarcticaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
62Rhizosolenia hebetataR. hebetataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
63Rhizosolenia oligocaenicaR. oligocaenicaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
64Rhizosolenia sp.Rhizosolenia sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. A
65Rhizosolenia sp.Rhizosolenia sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. B
66Rhizosolenia sp.Rhizosolenia sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. C
67Rocella praenitidaR. praenitidaHarwood, David MAbundance estimateRhabdonema/Grammatophora spp.
68Rouxia grandaR. grandaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
69Sceptroneis lingulatusS. lingulatusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
70Sceptroneis propinquaS. propinquaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
71Sceptroneis talwaniiS. talwaniiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
72Skeletonema penicillusS. penicillusHarwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable
73Skeletonema utriculosaS. utriculosaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
74Sleletonemopsis mahoodiiS. mahoodiiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
75Sphynctolethus hemiauloidesS. hemiauloidesHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
76Sphynctolethus pacificusS. pacificusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
77Sphynctolethus sp.Sphynctolethus sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
78Stellarima microtriasS. microtriasHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
79Stellarima primalabiataS. primalabiataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
80Stellarima stellarisS. stellarisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
81Stephanopyxis megoporaS. megoporaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
82Stephanopyxis oamaruensisS. oamaruensisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
83Stephanopyxis spinosissimaS. spinosissimaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
84Stephanopyxis superbaS. superbaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
85Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatecf. S. superba
86Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 1
87Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 2
88Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 3
89Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 4
90Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 5
91Stephanopyxis sp.Stephanopyxis sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. 6
92Stephanopyxis turrisS. turrisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
93Stictodiscus hardmanianusS. hardmanianusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
94Stictodiscus kittonianusS. kittonianusHarwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable
95Thalassiosira mediaconvexaT. mediaconvexaHarwood, David MAbundance estimatequestionable
96Triceratium pulvinarT. pulvinarHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
97Triceratium arcticumT. arcticumHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
98Trinacria excavataT. excavataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
99Trinacria racovitzaeT. racovitzaeHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
100Trochosira spinosusT. spinosusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
101Vulcanella hannaeV. hannaeHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
102GenusGenusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
103GenusGenusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
104GenusGenusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
105GenusGenusHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
106Corbisema apiculata apiculataC. apiculata apiculataHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
107Corbisema triacanthaC. triacanthaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
108Dictyocha deflandreiD. deflandreiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
109Dictyocha frenguelliiD. frenguelliiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
110Dictyocha spp.Dictyocha spp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimate
111Distephanus cruxD. cruxHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
112Distephanus raupiiD. raupiiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
113Ammodochium rectangulareA. rectangulareHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
114Ammodochium rectangulareA. rectangulareHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
115Calicipedinium sp.Calicipedinium sp.Harwood, David MAbundance estimatevar. A
116Ebrinula paradoxaE. paradoxaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
117Falsebria ambiguaF. ambiguaHarwood, David MAbundance estimate/H. brevispinosa group
118Micromarsupium cf. curticanuamM. cf. curticanuamHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
119Pseudammodochium sphericumPseud.sphericumHarwood, David MAbundance estimates. l. (single/double)
120Carduifolia gracilisC. gracilisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
121Algae, calcareousAlgae calcHarwood, David MAbundance estimateChrysophyte cysts
122Archaeosphaeridium australensisA. australensisHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
123Archaeosphaeridium tasmaniaeA. tasmaniaeHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
124Archaeomonas edwardsiiA. edwardsiiHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
125Fecal pelletsFecal pelHarwood, David MAbundance estimateclumps of Chaetoceros
126Diatom zoneDiatom zoneHarwood, David MAbundance estimate
2000 data points

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