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Scherer, Reed P; Bohaty, Steven M; Harwood, David M (2000): Occurence data for diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians and stratigraphically important chrysophyte cysts in core CRP-2/2A (Table 2) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Scherer, RP et al. (2000): Oligocene and lower Miocene siliceous microfossil biostratigraphy of Cape Roberts Project Core CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 7(4), 417-442, hdl:10013/epic.28240.d001

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Latitude: -77.005980 * Longitude: 163.719450
Date/Time Start: 1998-10-16T07:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-11-25T14:20:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 28.91 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 623.77 m
CRP-2A (14.2 km at 096° true from Cape Roberts) * Latitude: -77.005980 * Longitude: 163.719450 * Date/Time Start: 1998-10-16T07:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1998-11-25T14:20:00 * Elevation: -177.9 m * Recovery: 624 m * Location: off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica * Campaign: CRP-2 * Basis: Sampling/drilling from ice * Method/Device: Core wireline system (CWS) * Comment: 921 m at 284° from CRP-1. Sea-ice thickness: 2.0 m (1 Oct) to 2.2 m (23 Nov). Sea riser embedded to 13.03 mbsf. Lateral ice movement: 9.87 m to east from 17 Oct to 23 Nov. HQ core to 199.31 mbsf. NQ core to 624.15 mbsf. 13.03 to 45.97 mbsf, 11.29 m (34%) partially following CRP-2. 45.07 to 624.15 mbsf, 548.67 m (95%) new hole. Deepest core-lithology: hard sandy siltstone. Deepest core-age: earliest Oligocene (ca. 33 Ma on diatoms, nannofossils and dinoflagellates)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmScherer, Reed P
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmScherer, Reed P
4AbundanceAbundScherer, Reed PT = Trace/reworked: rare fragments present. R = Rare: 1 complete valve in 5-30 fields of view. F = Frequent: 1 complete valve in 1-5 fields of view. C = Common: 2-5 complete valves per field of view. A = Abundant: >5 complete valves per field of view
5Diatom preservationDiatom preservScherer, Reed PP = poor, M= moderate, G = good
6EcologyEcologyScherer, Reed PP = planktonic, B = benthic
7Actinoptychus senariusA. senariusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
8Arachnoidiscus spp.Arachnoidiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
9Asterolampra punctiferaA. punctiferaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
10Asteromphalus symmetricusA. symmetricusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
11Asteromphalus sp.Asteromphalus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateaff. A. symmetricus
12Asteromphalus sp.Asteromphalus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
13Azpeitia oligocaenicaA. oligocaenicaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
14Cavitatus jouseanusC. jouseanusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
15Cavitatus miocenicusC. miocenicusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
16Chaetoceros panduraeformisC. panduraeformisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
17Chaetoceros sp.Chaetoceros sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateGroups A, B, C
18Cocconeis spp.Cocconeis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
19Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
20Cymatosira praecompactaC. praecompactaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
21Cymatosira sp.Cymatosira sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
22Dactyliosolen antarcticusD. antarcticusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
23Diploneis spp.Diploneis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
24Distephanosira architecturalisD. architecturalisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
25Entopyla australisE. australisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
26Eurossia irregularisE. irregularisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimatevar. irregularis
27Eurossia irregularisE. irregularisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimatecentrally swollen valve
28Extubocellulus spiniferaE. spiniferaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
29Fragilariopsis sp.Fragilariopsis sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
30GenusGenusScherer, Reed PGenus et sp. uncertain A
31Goniothecium spp.Goniothecium spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
32Hemiaulus dissimilisH. dissimilisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
33Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
34Hemiaulus sp.Hemiaulus sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. C
35Hyalodiscus spp.Hyalodiscus spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
36Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
37Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. B
38Ikebea sp.Ikebea sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. C
39Kannoa hastataK. hastataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
40Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
41Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. B
42Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. C
43Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. D
44Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. E
45Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. F
46Kisseleviella sp.Kisseleviella sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. G
47Lisitzinia ornataL. ornataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate& L. ornata f. pentagona
48Navicula spp.Navicula spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate?
49Navicula sp.Navicula sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatecf. N. udentsevii
50Odontella spp.Odontella spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
51Paralia sulcataP. sulcataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
52Proboscia sp.Proboscia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateaff. praebarboi
53Proboscia spp.Proboscia spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
54Pseudopyxilla americanaP. americanaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
55Pseudotriceratium radiosoreticulatumP. radiosoreticulatumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
56Pterotheca reticulataP. reticulataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
57Pterotheca sp.Pterotheca sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate? sp. A
58Pyxilla reticulataP. reticulataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
59Pyrgupyxis eocenaP. eocenaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
60Radialiplicata clavigeraR. clavigeraScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
61Rhabdonema japonicumR. japonicumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
62Rhabdonema sp.Rhabdonema sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatecf. R. elegans
63Rhabdonema sp.Rhabdonema sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
64Rhabdonema spp.Rhabdonema spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateRhabdonema/ Grammatophora spp.
65Rhaphoneis spp.Rhaphoneis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate& Sceptroneis spp.
66Rhizosolenia antarcticaR. antarcticaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
67Rhizosolenia oligocaenicaR. oligocaenicaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
68Rocella praenitidaR. praenitidaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
69Rouxia grandaR. grandaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
70Rouxia obesaR. obesaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
71Rouxia sp.Rouxia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
72Skeletonemopsis mahoodiiS. mahoodiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
73Stellarima microtriasS. microtriasScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
74Stephanopyxis eocaenicaS. eocaenicaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
75Stephanopyxis hyalomarginataS. hyalomarginataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
76Stephanopyxis oamaruensisS. oamaruensisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
77Stephanopyxis spinosissimaS. spinosissimaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
78Stephanopyxis spp.Stephanopyxis spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
79Thalassiosira nanseniiT. nanseniiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
80Thalassiosira praefragaT. praefragaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
81Thalassiosira mediaconvexaT. mediaconvexaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
82Tigeria sp.Tigeria sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateTigeria sp. A
83Tigeria sp.Tigeria sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateTigeria sp. B
84Tigeria sp.Tigeria sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimateTigeria sp. C
85Triceratium pulvinarT. pulvinarScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
86Triceratium excavataT. excavataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
87Trinacria cf. pileolusT. cf. pileolusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
88Trinacria racovitzaeT. racovitzaeScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
89Trinacria sp.Trinacria sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
90Trochosira coronataT. coronataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
91Trochosira spinosusT. spinosusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
92Vulcanella hannaeV. hannaeScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
93Corbisema apiculataC. apiculataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
94Corbisema triacanthaC. triacanthaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
95Dictyocha deflandreiD. deflandreiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
96Dictyocha frenguelliiD. frenguelliiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
97Dictyocha pentagonaD. pentagonaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
98Dictyocha spp.Dictyocha spp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
99Distephanus quinquangellusD. quinquangellusScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
100Distephanus speculumD. speculumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
101Septamesocena apiculata apiculataS. apiculata apiculataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
102Septamesocena pappiiS. pappiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimateunequal spines
103Septamesocena cf. pappiiS. cf. pappiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
104Ammodochium rectangulareA. rectangulareScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
105Ammodochium rectangulareA. rectangulareScherer, Reed PAbundance estimatedouble w/ medial silic.
106Falsebria ambiguaF. ambiguaScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate/ H. brevispinosa group
107Pseudammodochium lingiiP. lingiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
108Pseudammodochium sphericumPseud.sphericumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesingle/double
109Carduifolia gracilisC. gracilisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
110Calicipedinium sp.Calicipedinium sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
111Macrora barbadensisM. harbadensisScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
112Archaeosphaeridium tasmaniaeA. tasmaniaeScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
113Aulacodiscus browneiiA. browneiiScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
114Rhizosolenia hebetataR. hebetataScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
115Rhizosolenia sp.Rhizosolenia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. A
116Rhizosolenia sp.Rhizosolenia sp.Scherer, Reed PAbundance estimatesp. B
117Triceratium arcticumT. arcticumScherer, Reed PAbundance estimate
1327 data points

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