Actinium-227 as a deep-sea tracer: sources, distribution and applications rights and content


Actinium is one of the rarest naturally occurring elements on earth. We measured its longest-lived isotope 227Ac (half-life 21.77 yr) for the first time in the water column of the Southeast Pacific, the Central Arctic, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the Weddell Gyre (WG). Besides the profile in the Southeast Pacific, which confirms earlier findings about the role of diapycnal mixing for 227Ac distribution, we found three other different types of vertical profiles. These profiles point to a prominent role of advection for 227Ac distribution, especially in the Southern Ocean. Depending on the type of profile found, 227Ac is proposed as a tracer for different oceanographic questions. In the Southern Ocean, up to 4.93±0.32 dpm m−3 227Ac is found close to the sea floor, which is the highest concentration ever observed in the ocean. Close to the sea surface in the WG, 0.46±0.05 dpm m−3 227Acex (227Ac in excess of its progenitor 231Pa) is detected. We use 227Acex there to determine the upwelling velocity in the Eastern WG to be about 55 m yr−1. In the ACC, Upper and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW and LCDW) are found to differ clearly in their 227Acex activity. High 227Acex activities are therefore a promising tracer for recent inputs of LCDW to the sea surface, which may help to understand the role of deep upwelling for iron inputs into Antarctic surface waters. The expected release of 227Ac is compared with 228Ra to make sure that the large near-surface excess in the water column of the Southern Ocean is not due to lateral inputs by isopycnal mixing. Data from the Central Arctic and from a transect across the ACC confirm that 228Ra and 227Acex differ strongly in their sources. The first measurements of 227Ac on suspended matter (less than 1.7% of total 227Ac close to the sea floor) indicate that the particle reactivity of 227Ac is negligible in the open ocean, in agreement with earlier findings [Y. Nozaki, Nature 310 (1984) 486–488]. Despite the extremely low concentrations of 227Ac, new measurement techniques [W.S. Moore, R. Arnold, J. Geophys. Res. 101 (1996) 1321–1329] point to a comfortable and comparably simple determination of 227Ac in the future. Finally, 227Acex may become a widely used deep-sea specific tracer.


Understanding and modelling of the global oceanic circulation requires a detailed knowledge about mixing and advection. Information about vertical exchange is of particular importance, as this is the only process that redistributes nutrients from the deep-sea to the sea surface [3], draws down atmospheric inputs to the deep-sea or transports energy between deep and surface waters. Recently, diapycnal mixing in the deep-sea was shown to be an important term in the global heat budget [4], [5].

The vertical exchange in the Southern Ocean is of particular interest for climate research. There, the role of deep upwelling combined with formation of new bottom water in the Weddell Gyre (WG) for CO2 transfers from surface to deep waters or vice versa is in the focus of interest (e.g. [6]). Deep upwelling also plays a crucial role in the supply of the growth-limiting micronutrient iron into the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) ([7], [8] and references therein).

The rates of deep upwelling or rates of diapycnal mixing cannot be obtained in the required accuracy by direct measurements of current velocities. Radionuclides provide a solution for this problem. They contain a time information that integrates the process of interest on a scale depending on their half-life. A variety of radionuclides, both natural and anthropogenous, have been used to derive rates of exchange in the ocean on different spatial and temporal scales. However, none of them perfectly met the requirements of a tracer for vertical exchange in the upper deep-sea.

Some short-lived nuclides released from the sea floor (several radium and radon nuclides with half-lives from a few seconds to several days [9], Fig. 1) give appreciable information about mixing close to the sea floor. Due to their short half-lives, they do not experience large lateral transport and they give reliable information about vertical mixing close to the sea floor. 228Ra (half-live 5.75 yr) is also supplied by the sea floor, mainly independent of the depth of the overlying water column. As isopycnal mixing (which is in first approximation horizontal) is several orders of magnitude stronger than diapycnal mixing, 228Ra released from the continental slope can reach the interior of the ocean basins, thus influencing the vertical distribution of 228Ra there [10]. Therefore, no reliable values for diapycnal mixing can be obtained by 228Ra alone.

226Ra (half-life 1600 yr) is mainly supplied by deep-sea sediments as a consequence of the distribution of its progenitor 230Th (Fig. 1), so lateral inputs by continental slopes will be smaller than for 228Ra. However, its relatively long half-life compared to the velocities of mixing and advection makes additional tracers necessary if full use of its information is to be made [11].

In 1984, Nozaki [1] proposed 227Ac (half-life 21.77 yr) as a tracer for diapycnal mixing in the deep-sea. This nuclide is produced by decay of 231Pa, which is found in high concentrations in slowly accumulating deep-sea sediments. Indeed, 227Ac combines the advantage of a source in the deep-sea (much like 226Ra) with a favorable half-life comparable to 228Ra. In spite of its obvious advantages, 227Ac was never extensively used as a tracer. The main reason for the scarcity of data on its distribution and geochemical behavior must be seen in its extremely low concentrations and in difficulties in its detection. A measurement technique via α-scintillation proposed for 223Ra [2] now promises a strongly simplified detection of 227Ac.

To evaluate the potential and the limits of this tracer, we first set out to show that the distribution of 227Ac is indeed governed by sources in the deep-sea, and is not, as in the case of 228Ra, obscured from shallower depths.

We then present a series of water column profiles including the first measurements of 227Ac in the Southern Ocean and the Arctic and discuss how these results can be used to estimate mixing and upwelling rates for the deep ocean.

The longest-lived isotope of actinium, 227Ac, is produced by decay of 231Pa (half-life 32500 y), a particle-reactive daughter of 235U (Fig. 1). To give an impression of the potential sources for 227Ac, we first discuss the distribution of 231Pa in the marine environment. The parent nuclide of 231Pa, 235U, occurs in the ocean at a virtually constant concentration as a stably dissolved complex. When 235U decays to 231Pa in the water column, the latter is rapidly scavenged to the sea floor much like 230Th but with a slightly longer residence time in the water column of about 100 yr [12], [13]. Because the vertically integrated production of 231Pa from 235U in the water column increases with depth, the flux of 231Pa to the sea floor theoretically also increases in a linear way with water depth, leading to highest 231Pa concentrations in deep-sea sediments (Fig. 2a). For very shallow oceanic regions like continental shelves, 231Pa can be expected to be in secular equilibrium with 235U. Besides this general increase of 231Pa with depth, further effects have to be taken into account.

Because the flux of 231Pa to the sediment is at first approximation constant at equal water depths, the 231Pa concentration decreases with increasing sediment accumulation rates due to a dilution effect (Fig. 2c). This effect also results in higher 231Pa concentrations towards the deep-sea floor as accumulation rates are generally lower in the deep-sea. As a consequence of the long oceanic residence time of 231Pa, not all of it is deposited at its production site, but it is preferentially scavenged at locations with high particle fluxes [13], slightly opposing the above-mentioned effect of dilution at sites with high accumulation rates.

For comparison, the distribution of 232Th, the progenitor of 228Ra, is also shown in Fig. 2b,d. In contrast to 231Pa, 232Th concentrations at the sediment surface show no increase with water depth and no dependency on the accumulation rate.

It has been shown that 227Ac is much less particle-reactive than 231Pa and part of the 227Ac produced in sediments by decay of 231Pa is consequently released to the overlying seawater [16]. To distinguish between 227Ac released from marine sediments and 227Ac produced in situ in the water column (Fig. 3), the term ‘excess 227Ac’ or ‘227Acex’ has been introduced [1]. Assuming steady state, 227Ac produced in the water column is in radioactive equilibrium with 231Pa. All 227Ac exceeding the equilibrium with 231Pa must be supplied by release from sediments because no other source of 227Ac to the seawater is known. A depletion of 227Ac with respect to 231Pa is found in the sediment, which approximately corresponds to the integrated 227Acex in the overlying water column [16]. The process of 227Ac release is schematically shown in Fig. 3.

Very few data of 227Ac in the ocean are available. To our knowledge, previous to this work only three vertical profiles of total (=dissolved+particulate) 227Ac in the ocean were reported, all of them from the North Pacific [1], [17]. All profiles revealed 227Acex (up to 2.5 dpm m−3) close to the sea floor and no 227Acex in the upper water column, except some weak signals close to the sea surface.

Much additional information was obtained by measurement of its daughter 227Th [18], which is assumed to be close to radioactive equilibrium with 227Ac if particle fluxes are not leading to enhanced scavenging of thorium, as shown for 234Th close to the sea floor and in productive surface waters ([19] and references therein). By means of 227Th, indications for release of 227Ac from continental slopes in the vicinity of Japan were found [18].

Only one value of 227Ac on sediment trap material is known [20]. There, 227Ac was found to be below equilibrium with 231Pa. From the sediment trap value, the lower limit of the mean residence time of actinium in the ocean was estimated to be 540–3250 yr [20], which was later refined with water column data to 3000 yr [1]. In any case, 227Ac will behave conservatively in the open ocean as its mean residence time is very long compared to its half-life. Besides the data from the open ocean, some 227Ac data from the mixing zone between the Amazon freshwater and seawater are known, which indicate that 227Ac might be more particle-reactive than 228Ra in this particle-rich environment [21].

Conclusively, the currently available knowledge about the sources and the behavior of 227Ac points to a continuous release of 227Ac from the sea floor with a much stronger source in the deep-sea than in shallow areas.

A quantitative estimate for the flux of radium and actinium from sediments to the overlying water column would go beyond the scope of this work. Yet, far-reaching similarities in the behavior of both nuclides allow an estimate of the difference in 228Ra/227Ac ratios released by different sediments.

Comparing the ratio of the respective progenitors of 228Ra and 227Ac, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. On continental shelves, 231Pa can be expected to be in equilibrium with 235U as the overlying water column is too shallow to produce significant amounts of 231Pa. Nozaki [17] estimates the average 231Pa content of marine sediments for this area to be as low as 0.1 dpm g−1. 232Th contents on shelves can be expected to be very variable. However, based on Fig. 2b, we would propose an average of about 2 dpm g−1 for 232Th, from which an average 232Th/231Pa activity ratio of about 20 on continental shelves results. This ratio is simply a function of the 232Th/235U ratio in the terrigeneous component of shelf sediments.

The situation in the deep-sea is completely different for 231Pa. Yang et al. [22] estimate the average 231Pa content in deep-sea sediment surfaces of the Pacific to be about 2.8 dpm g−1. Most of this 231Pa is 231Paex derived from production in the water column. The 232Th content of sediments does not show a trend with depth of the overlying water column, so its activities in the deep-sea can be expected to be similar to the 2 dpm g−1 on the shelf. Therefore, a preliminary estimate of 232Th/231Pa activity ratio for the deep-sea deposits of about 0.7 results, compared to a ratio of 20 on the shelf. Consequently, one must expect a change in the released 228Ra–227Ac activity ratio between shallow and deep water of about a factor 28. Implicitly, we assume that both 227Ac and 228Ra are governed by similar parameters on shelves and in the deep-sea.

Additionally, it has to be considered that 231Paex (bound adsorptively to particles) will eject its daughter 227Ac more effectively to the sediment porewater than 232Th (contained within the crystal lattice) does with 228Ra. Based on analogy of the 231Paex227Ac pair to the 230Thex226Ra pair, for which these ejection efficiencies have been determined [23], 231Paex can be expected to eject its daughter twice as effectively as 232Th does. This would result in a change in the released 228Ra/227Ac activity ratio between shelf and deep-sea deposits of up to a factor 54.

Our considerations imply that 227Ac/228Ra ratios released from shelf regions must be one or two orders of magnitude lower than those released from deep-sea sediments. 228Ra is known to build up to high activities in the shallow water column at continental shelves. Combining this knowledge with the low 231Pa/232Th ratio in shallow water, we conclude that a detectable 227Ac input from shallow water sediments must be accompanied by a high 228Ra signal. This signal may be somewhat obscured with increasing distance from the source because the 227Ac/228Ra ratio slowly increases with time as a consequence of the different decay constants. However, our data presented below imply that even far from their source, 228Ra signals from shelves still exceed 227Acex signals by far.

Section snippets


Our sample material was taken during several expeditions of RV Polarstern (Fig. 4, see Table 1 for details). Samples were chosen with respect to different aspects concerning the distribution of 227Ac.

Most of the material used here was a fraction of pre-processed samples originally taken for other radionuclides, which was set aside for analysis of 210Pb. As a consequence of the separation process used, this fraction contains actinium quantitatively (see below). Only the transect across the ACC


The 227Ac profiles are compiled in Fig. 7 with exception of the transect across the ACC, which is given in Fig. 9, top.

The station in the Central Arctic (PS2176-2, Fig. 7a,b) was chosen because of its high 228Ra signal derived from Siberian shelves [25]. Hence, a 227Acex signal from the shelf, if existing, should be detectable as well. The 227Acex signal observed was very weak compared to 228Ra, giving strong evidence that 227Ac release from continental shelves is a negligible source,


From our data, we can distinguish four different types of depth profiles for 227Acex. The first type, found in the Southeast Pacific (PS2660) shows large 227Acex close to the sea floor, rapidly decreasing towards the sea surface and reaching an equilibrium with 231Pa in the upper water column. This type of profile was previously described by Nozaki and can be explained by diapycnal mixing [1].

The second type is found in the Central Arctic (PS2176). There, no 227Acex is found even close to the

Perspectives in the application of 227Acex

The examples given above clearly demonstrate the potential of 227Acex for different applications concerning transport rates in the deep-sea. However, until now 227Ac was difficult and time-consuming to measure. New perspectives in measurement techniques [2], [49] probably reducing the detection limit by one order of magnitude now seem to make the anticipated breakthrough of 227Acex [50] as a tracer possible.

However, plenty of work has to be done to make full use of the information that 227Acex

Supplementary data



We thank the crew of RV Polarstern for their assistance in the deployment of the in situ pumps. Helmut Muhle helped to increase the sample volume from <1000 l to >2000 l. Thanks also to all contributors to the sampling procedure on various cruises named in Table 1. Ingrid Vöge, Andreas Ratje and Steffen Niemann have contributed a lot to the analysis of 227Ac. Carmen Hartmann and Volker Strass provided the nutrient data and the CTD data, respectively. Numerous fruitful comments to the manuscript

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